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Myra was sitting in her room as she was wondering what was happening to her she could feel the eyes on her when she walked back out into the ring people seemed nervous of what she might do when she started her match with Becky; it was intense and the headache came in strong she gasps collapsing to her knees holding her head her eyes kept flashing black and back to her original eye color as Becky backed away looking at the ref then the announcers; Dominik came rushing out getting into the ring picking her up trying to ask what was wrong with her she suddenly let out a loud scream feeling blood rush from her nose she ran out of the ring holding her head as the crowd; Becky and Dom were utterly confused Myra had run all the way home as she picked up stuff with her mind throwing it and gasping before dropping onto the ground panting heavily; Dominik was looking around for her calling her name out before going to judgment day he was worried about her pacing the area they tried to calm him down; Myra got into the bathtub cleaning herself off as she felt her eyes flash again " what is happening to me " she said to herself hugging her knees; Dominik had came home with Aria and James to bed then heading to the bathroom seeing Myra " what was that? " he asked crossing his arms as Myra looked at him shrugging " i-i don't know " she said to him looking away as she felt that headache groaning Dominik backed up a little " you okay honey? " he asked her she shrugged getting out seeing her skin had pruned she dressed herself quickly laying down and going sleep; Dominik slept on the couch not knowing how to feel about what just happened but his eyes started to give away and he eventually fell asleep during the night Myra was having nightmares shooting up holding her chest seeing that Dominik wasn't there she was confused getting up going to the living room seeing Dom on the couch she sighed covering him up before kissing his head and laying down with him falling asleep once more tho it was hard; Myra got up that next morning feeling drained and exhausted getting the kids ready for work while she was injured but pushed through the pain but got the kids settled in before getting Dominik up " cmon babe we got work " she said gently but he just walked out to the car ignoring her no kiss or anything she frowned seeing him like this she walked to the car getting in trying not to cry wiping her eyes holding back when they got there Dominik left immediately heading to find judgement day as the kids went to their room Myra went to hers as her heart broke crying; Rhea walked to go find her hearing faint cries when she opened the door seeing Myra in a heap of tears " Myra what's wrong? " she asked closing the door and sitting next to her rubbing her back " it's dom he's ignoring me he didn't give me a kiss or anything i-i don't know what I did " she sobbed into her chest crying as Rhea frowned " I'll talk to him about it " she said consoling her thst headache came on again she groaned but this time she was able to manage it and not whatever this was control her; Rhea left to go on with JD and smack talk Seth Rollins and Aj Myra watched them but triple H said to go on and stand behind Aj and Seth which she thought was crazy but whatever and did exactly that while Rhea and JD were talking about how one of them could have the heavyweight championship title Myra climbed on and stood behind Seth and Aj which made the whole crowd gasps Seth turned around jumping " holy shit you scared the hell out of me! Aren't you injured? " he asked her Myra nodded " yeah I am " she said as Rhea and Dominik were shocked " M-Myra what are you doing? " Dominik asked " just doing what the people asked me too " she said coldly which made dom sighed and leave the ring along with Rhea since they were together on this while Damian and Finn just stood there confused

Myra went back to her room as she sighed throwing stuff in anger she was just upset she couldn't figure out anything why this was happening to her; Dominik walked in seeing this mess she created " babe what the....? " he asked concerning she turned to look at him scoffing " don't be concerned you fucking ignored me this morning and for what I've done nothing to you! " she screamed at him Dominik flinched back but she was right " I'm sorry it's just what happened in the ring really freaked me out... " he said pouting as Myra eyes flashed black picking him up choking him " so that entiles you to fucking ignore me " she threw him into the wall as Dominik backed away holding his back Myra realized what she had done " I am so sorry honey I didn't mean too! " she said walking toward him as he scooted away every wrestle came out and saw the mess Myra quickly rushed out as she didn't even look back Rhea came up to Dominik " you okay!? Is your back okay!? " she asked worriedly as Dominik winced " my back kinda hurts but that's it " he said as he stood up holding onto Damian and Finn as Rhea grabbed the kids and their stuff getting it and putting it in the car before Finn, Damian, and Rhea drove to their house while Aria and James were questioning where their mom was; Myra was at home she sat on the couch trying ease her breathing but couldn't she started to hurt herself " i-i didn't mean too i-i didn't mean too " she said gasping for air before laying down on the couch crying herself to sleep when Rhea walked in seeing Myra on the couch bloody and all she sighed picking her up and cleaning her off " Jesus Myra why... "

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