Training for fight

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Myra was training for the fight between judgement day and her people she was lifting about 300 hundreds pounds a man was spotting her since this was over limit she threw the weights down as she smiled happily drinking some water before leaving heading to a lake to swim for a little to soothe her arms and legs while she was relaxing she didn't realize her opponents were there, Dominik swam up placing his hands on her back which she feels freaking her out moving away seeing Dom splashing him " asshole! " she screamed as he laughed " sorry sorry I just had too " Dominik said to her splashing back she swam off getting out of the water wrapping herself up

Dominik swam up to her " cmonnn I didn't mean no harm I was just fucking with you " he teased her this was making Rhea jealous she gripped Damians hand tightly gritting her teeth Dominik looked over at Rhea quickly swam over getting out " what's wrong " he asked her gently " you like her don't you " Rhea growled lowly Dominik shook his head pulling her close kissing her head Rhea smiled giggling then looking over at Myra smirking

Myra rolled her eyes flipping her off as she walked over to Dominik and kissed his lips before leaving Rhea growled as Dominik was shocked Myra grabbed her bag and left heading to her home when she did she went to shower listening to 'Portals by melanie martinez. Myra got out throwing on some black booty shorts with a long shirt then she put her hair in a bun she fed her cat then went to her bedroom turning on the TV she laid there checking her phone before yawning and heading to bed

Dominik and Rhea got into a fight when they get home Rhea was accusing him of like Myra he denied it but she was right he did but he didn't want to hurt Rhea so he suppressed those feelings and kissed her lips holding her waist " Rhea I only love you I've always loved you that'll never change " he said gently as Rhea smiled " okayyyyy now cmonnn let's have funn " she winked pulling him into the bedroom and doing the devils tango

The next day Myra got up grabbing moonlily and her keys heading to her car and driving to WWE listening to music when she got there she headed to the room changing into her gear before heading to makeup and hair holding her cat before getting up finding the people who would help Charlotte, Bad Bunny, Rey and Edge Myra smiled happily waiting for their cue when it was time they walked up to the ring getting in as they turned around watching judgement day walk down once they got in the ring Rhea handing her title over the ref held it up before letting the others get out of the ring Myra and Rhea were in the ring just watching each other the bell rung signaling the match started Rhea rushed at her Myra jumped up dodging sending Rhea into the side of the rope Rhea ran at her again clotheslining her as Myra held her throat gasping for air Rhea came behind her wrapping her thighs around her neck squeezing as Becky came in knocking Rhea before getting out of the ring Myra grabbed Rhea by her hair throwing her into the side of ring headfirst Rhea held her head as Dominik looked at her worriedly " mami are you okay " he asked " yeah dom dom I'm okay " Rhea said gently Myra came behind her dragging her Rhea bit her hand climbing to the top of the rope frogsplashing her lifting her leg the ref counted to two before Myra kicked out Rhea grabbed Myra locking her hands getting a running start doing 619 to Myra as Myra held her face smacking Becky in rolling out of the ring

Becky smirked at Rhea Rhea wasn't fazed by her Becky picked Rhea up throwing her down Rhea held her back groaning Becky climbed the top rope jumping but Rhea put her knees up Becky held her stomach before getting a boot to the face Rhea grabbed her leg the ref counted to two and half before Rhea was grabbed out by Rey Rhea screamed " no! " she slapped Rey picking him up and slamming him down on the table getting back in the ring as Becky charged once again she moved getting kicked in the back Becky held her back before getting RKO by Rhea Becky laid there her leg was grabbed and the ref counted to three judgement day won the match Rhea smirked as Myra glared holding her face

Damian, Finn, Rhea and Dominik walked down the ramp laughing and saying suck it before disappearing in the back Becky was still in the ring holding her back and Rey sat up slowly as they all walked back looking at Myra she sighed heading to her room and sitting down there was a knock at the door " come in! " it was Dominik he shut the door " hey you did amazing you really tried to beat us " he laughed happily as Myra smiled " thanks " she frowned he sat next to her blushing madly before he left Myra left to go smoke she took a deep hit blowing smoke into the air sighing she burnt it into her skin flinching a lot before throwing it and leaving for her room with her stuff and her cat when she got home she showered seeing how her and team lost to the judgement day she threw her phone sighing she took a shower going to bed in her underwear and bra

Dominik went to sleep that thinking about Myra he was on her mind all the time him and Rhea were having problems that weren't being solved he also know Rhea was sleeping with Damian but everytime it was brought she and him were defensive about it he slept soundly as Rhea went to damians Dominik woke up that night seeing she was gone he groaned leaving the house he manage to find Myra's house he pulled in knocking on the door Myra yawned checking the time plugging in her phone before heading to the door seeing Dominik rubbing her eyes " Dom? What are you doing here this late " she asked very confused he sighed " Rhea went to Damians house she doesn't know I know she's cheating on me with him " Myra was shocked letting him come inside " aww honey I'm sorry come let's chill in my room " she smiled softly walking him to her room getting into bed Dominik curled into her he couldn't sleep whatsoever Myra blushed heavily rubbing his back dom slowly fell asleep Myra did too

Next morning she got up and took down her hair brushing then curling putting on a black tight fitting dress with heels as Dom woke up seeing several missed calls and texts from Rhea he called her back " heyyyy mami " he still loved Rhea " where did you go!? " she asked angrily " I went to a friend's house " he said sitting up " did you need something " Dominik sighed getting up Rhea responded " yeah you " she pouted into the phone he smiled " I'll be there baby "  he said leaving fast and back to his house

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