Special Gala party

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Rhea had gotten ready throwing black heels and long black dress as Damian threw on a velvet tuxedo black tie and all Myra had to throw on maternity dress that fit her and her stomach well she pouted a little putting her shoes on as Dominik came in smiling wrapping his arms around her placing his hands on her stomach " you look amazing honey don't worry about it " he kissed her neck gently as Myra pouts " but I am my belly sticks out I'm 2 months along and I already look like a potato " she teared up as Dominik kissed her lips " babe it doesn't matter you look great everyone will love it now let's get going " he said taking James to the car as Myra walked with him taking a deep breath getting into the car before taking a photo with the caption ' dressed up to the nines 😘🔥 ' Dominik got in playing James favorite movie ' Toy Story ' before driving to the venue area listening to I Prevail in the car while Myra was rubbing her hips and pelvic bone " ughhh only thing I hate about being pregnant is my pelvic bone outta place 24/7 " Dominik rubbed her hand " I paid a chiropractor at the place so don't worry " he gently said squeezing her hand she smiled " you are too kind to me dom " she said sweetly when they got there they got out Myra kinda struggling as she walked up to the person who let them inside with everyone else Myra sat down immediately as Rhea and Damian came over smiling " aw you look amazing look at your bump " he reached for her belly Myra shot him a death glare wincing Rhea crouched down " you okay everything alright " she asked gently Myra shook her head as the chiropractor came over seeing the pain " here let's get you settled or try and relieve it " she said before taking her to a room with a bed and doing her magic she felt good " thanks this feels great " walking up and out getting some water humming gently as Liv and Raquel walked over smiling " hey there! How's my girl doing " she said rubbing her stomach Myra " oh you know just the usual is all " she said taking a sip of water trying to keep her composure Raquel looked over " you sure? You seem very not there " she said as Myra looked at them " it's just this pregnancy is a lot harder on me then my first one was and I'm scared of hurting my baby "Liv crouched down and kissed her hand " it's okay nothing will happen I promise you don't need to worry about it " she said gently rubbing her stomach before Myra nodding checking her phone seeing she had several missed calls from her mom she called back " mom? Is everything okay? " she asked holding her stomach her mom sounded frantic " no your ex showed up here violating the restraining order and demanded to know where you were and his baby were he hurt your dad pretty badly " Myra teared up as she hung up she was having a panic attack Alexa walked over " hey hey calm down tell me what's wrong " she said holding her hand as Myra looked over at her " m-my ex he wants me he hurt my family to know where I was he wants me and my baby " she sobbed loudly as Dominik came over and kissed her head " he's not getting you my dear you cannot stress yourself about this " he said as James waddled over looking very worried about his mommy Liv and Raquel brought him over to Roux to play as Myra nodded " but he hurt my dad my dad is in the hospital " she said as Dominik hugged her tightly and kissed her stomach " just worry about you and the baby I'll handle that " he said gently he left heading to the bathroom as Alexa stayed with Myra getting her some food and water Dominik called the police and talked to them about her ex he was not letting this jackass ruin their relationship or family once he was finished he came back out finishing up seeing Myra up and talking it made him smile she was dancing with Liv and Alexa happily Dominik came up behind her dancing with her as Rhea and Damian were getting down they were drunk as hell as people were dancing what people hadn't noitced was her ex had managed to sleep through the guards and into the area they were he was watching closely taking a sip of his water Raquel walked over " hey who are you you don't look familiar " she asked confused before the man smirked " oh I am andrew I'm friends with judgement day and everything " he said nervously trying to cover himself up Myra laughed as she held her stomach before going over to the water area and getting some then her heart stop she heard HIS voice turning around throwing her glass at him, Raquel backed away " why can't you just leave me alone! We are over now! I am pregnant for fuck sakes with doms child just fuck off " She screamed people rushed over as Dom growled " mannn should I beat your ass again or better yet me and you tomorrow in the ring " he said he was serious as Andrew smirked " your on " he walked over to Myra and kissed her stomach before leaving Myra stomped off grabbing the keys and drove home dom tried to stop her but he was too slow he sighed sitting down when Myra got home she took off her dress and got into the shower washing off her entire body makeup ran down her face she was crying she had relapsed that night burning herself on her thighs and arms when she got out she dressed herself quickly going to bed that night; Dominik got home later seeing her in bed already made his heart break for her he laid down next to her and kissed her head rubbing her back.

The next morning Myra had gotten ready for the morning their bag prepared for work as Dom was ready to kick Andrew's ass he walked over to her and kissed her lips before heading to the car with her and driving to the area listening to music when they got there; there was murmur about the fight and what happened at the gala when he walked inside there he was the devil himself smirking Myra just ignored him and headed to their room setting Dominik gear and clothes out Dominik walked in and changed before waiting in the gorilla for his entrance when his song came on he walked out smirking as he walked down the ramp getting into the ring before Andrew walked down after he was pumped for this the match started immediately Dominik had the upper hand Andrew had no way of securing this match he barely knew had go counter each of his moves; Dominik laughed when all the sudden the Bloodline came out and helped Andrew with Dominik Judgement day came out and helped Dominik Myra was watching she was worried she looked over at Rhea and the others Jimmy, Uso, and Solo were rushed out along with Rhea, Damian, and Finn it was now back to those two Andrew was nervous he was caught between the ropes Dominik 619 him securing his win he smiled softly as Myra screamed happily she ran out from behind the entrance hugging dom; Andrew was stunned he was angry police took him away he fought long and hard but eventually gave up Myra and the others watched as Andrew was off to jail she smirked to herself happily.

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