Rhea's love

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During Monday night RAW Dominik was facing Apollo with the help of Mami of course Dominik secured the win he spun her around before leaving the ring looking at everyone happily doing interviews Myra hugged Rhea and smiled before hugging Dominik "You did babe! " she kissed Dominik's lips happily he smiled " I couldn't have done it without mami " he said winking at Rhea who rolled her eyes; Myra walked away as Rhea followed her she grabbed Myra's waist then pulled her into a small room Myra was confused " what are you doing? " she asked her before her and rhea's lips were mashed together things got heated fast Rhea pulled away looking at her " shit I am so sorry " she left heading towards the parking lot as Myra stood there confused before leaving and getting her stuff together grabbing her children meeting up with Dominik what she hadn't realized she had some of rhea's black lipstick on her lips when she got everyone settled in the car she got in as Dominik got in and drove; Myra looked at her phone seeing a text from Rhea and the others ' hey wanna go to the gym then grab some coffee? ' - Rhea's texts Finn and Damian replied 'sure' Myra smiled gently and texted back 'sure' before putting her phone away and getting out of the car Dominik grabbed the stuff out from the trunk while Myra got the kids out she went to put Aria and James to bed as Dominik walked over wiping the black lipstick off of her face " why is rhea's lipstick on your face " he asked her Myra looked at him " she was just seeing how it would look on me " she smiled softly as Dominik nodded a little suspicious buy went to shower Myra took a deep breath before following Dominik to the bathroom cleaning her face off " I'm going to the gym with Rhea, Damian and Finn then coffee can you watch Aria and James for me " she asked getting in the shower with him Dominik smiled " sure honey " he helped wash her body and hair before Myra helped him with the same thing after getting into some pj's she laid down closing her eyes

That next morning Rhea had picked up Damian and Finn now waiting outside for Myra; she got up putting on some booty shorts a sports bra and her hair in a bun with gym stuff and kissed dom goodbye she checked on the kids before heading out Rhea was staring " damn " she said to herself Myra got into the car and smiled " hey guys! Ready to go workout! " she giggled they all nodded Rhea drove and played music she held Damian's thigh Myra and Finn were talking in the back pulling up to planet fitness; Rhea parked and got out along with the others heading inside Myra went to benchpress she hadn't been to the gym in awhile so she was kina struggling a bit Finn came over and helped her with the bench pressing before going to weights she eventually finished her work out panting heavily chugging her water calling dom to make sure the kids were okay which they were so she hung up as the others headed back to the car Damian and Rhea sat up front while Finn and Myra sat in the back Rhea drove them to a coffee shop " I'm paying so none of you dare try too " she said to them Myra shook her head and laugh but nodded " alright whatever you say your the mami here " she joked Rhea blushed but rolled her eyes flipping her off they got there getting out and heading inside Myra just got her normal along with the others Rhea paid for all of it before sitting down Finn " so tell us how your babies have been any trouble? " he asked Myra laughed " nope luckily they've been angels minus getting up early " Myra answered giggling Damian " having anymore or is two enough " he asked placing his hand on Rhea's thigh Myra shrugged " I don't know to be honest it's been awhile since me and Dominik have I guess I'm just nervous what about you and Rhea ever thought of having kids " she asked Damian looked over at Rhea who's face said it all Myra quickly changed topics " anyways excited for Night of Champions " she said they all nodded Rhea " I'm gonna kick her ass she'll regret messing with the champion " Rhea laughed they talked for hours Myra checked the time " oh my look at the time I really gotta go " Myra said getting up grabbing her things as she hugged them goodbye she called a Uber waiting outside for it she looked at her phone as Rhea came outside hugging and kissed her cheek before leaving with Damian and Finn once the Uber came she got inside telling the Uber her location and calling Dominik who answered immediately he sounded desperate and all over place Myra giggled softly " not as easy as it looks " she said to him he responded " no its not these kids have me running every where help me please I can't get them to bed " he said sitting on the couch as the kids screamed loudly before Myra laughed " I'll be there soon my love I promise I'm not that far from the house " she said before hanging up then texting the group chat ' had fun today guys I really enjoyed my outting ' when she got out she headed inside seeing the house was a mess and Dominik in a heap on the floor Myra sent the kids to bed before walking to dom pulling him close and kissed his head " it's okay I'm here kids are to bed " she said quietly " cmon let's get you cleaned up " she said walking hin to the bathroom helping him with his clothes as he got in she saw his body he was cutting himself Myra looked at him " Dom what is this? " she asked him worriedly as she got in with him he didn't respond his breath went shakily covering himself before getting out grabbing a towel " Dominik! " she said to him looking at him he just walked away getting dressed grabbing his keys Myra covered herself rushing after him " Dom! " she called out to him he didn't respond and drove her heart shattered she ended up calling the others her voice cracking " it's dom he's cutting himself he wouldn't tell me why and he just left " she said gasping for air as Rhea grabbed her keys " Damian and Finn go get Dominik I'll handle Myra " she said to them before hanging up as they did what they were told Myra went to the bedroom still naked as she broke down crying as Rhea pulled up and ran inside heading to the bedroom seeing Myra crying she walked over and pulled her close and kissed her head rubbing her back as Myra cried " I-I don't know what I did!? Is it my fault!? " she cried as Rhea's heart broke, Dominik was at the lake sitting by the water his arms wrapped around him as Finn and Damian came behind him " hey dom what's going on we heard what happened? " Dominik looked at them " it's just being a dad a wrestler is so hard seeing what Myra deals with all the time it's hard then having to wrestle and everything is just awful " he said gently looking at them tears forming as Damian and Finn hugged him " it's okay Myra is there for you " Myra looked up at Rhea as Rhea smiled gently cleaning her face off she laughed before Myra hugged her tightly before kissing her lips then moving to her neck Rhea didn't want this to stop she let it happen and helped Myra too after awhile Myra quickly changed herself and so did Rhea they both were flustered as Dominik, Finn, and Damian walked through the door seeing their faces " everything okay? " Dom asked as Myra said " yep! Everything is okay! " she smiled hugging Dominik before looking at them " so why did you do this to yourself " she asked him kissing his wrists Dominik sighed " because I felt guilty for not seeing what you had to deal with and being a dad and wrestler at the same time is really hard... " he said his voice cracked as everyone hugged him telling him it was okay to feel this way Myra and Rhea exchanged glances at each other both were sexual

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