After NOC

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After night of champions everyone returned to their hotels except Rhea she was forced to stay in the hospital in Jeddah she sighed biting her lip tearing up as she wiped her tears her phone was blowing up with congratulations on beating Nataliya she called Damian who was fast asleep in his bed she sighed before calling Myra who picked up " hey Rhea how are you doing? " she asked her gently Rhea responded quickly " I'm okay just need someone to be with me I hate hospitals Damian is asleep so I was wondering if you could come and stay with me " Rhea said as Myra smiled gently " of course I'll be there soon " she hung up and left the hotel getting in the rental car and driving to the hospital when she got there she walked to the reception and asked for rhea's room when she headed there she saw Rhea she saw how defeated she looked Myra walked over and kissed her head rubbing her back sitting beside her " you did amazing against Nataliya " she said quietly as Rhea sighed " thanks I know but my stupid freaking heart is fucking up everything and MINTB and summerslam are coming up " she said as her voice cracked looking at Myra who pulled close trying to keep her at ease all the sudden Rhea kissed and she didn't stop Myra didn't stop her either things were getting heated between the two of them they both panted hut Myra realized she shouldn't because her heart she backed away " we can't your heart Rhea " she said to her; Rhea sighs and nodded " I know " she said to her before looking away from her closing her eyes as Myra left.

When they got back Triple H had a fued planned for Myra and The judgement day so they were handed the papers and they looked them over it was going to involve Rey, Zelina and LWO she looked at Dominik and the others who took a deep breath " well let's do this " Lwo strided over smirking taking Myra away from judgement day bad mouthing them before they walked out onto the ring talking smack about judgement as their music played Myra turned to watch them Rhea laughed " talking smack deadbeat remember we took your son and stole this group from edge so be careful about what you say " she laughed as Myra grabbed the mic " aw at least u don't need mami to win matches " Rhea glared at Myra as Dominik glared too as they got into the ring Rhea stared Myra down as Myra smirked looking at her smackdown women's title " and that title will be mine! " she said getting in rhea's face smirking before she slapped Rhea who threw her title at dom and attacked Myra picking her up and riptiding all hell broke loose security ran up separating Myra and Rhea as Rhea headbutted the security " Get off of me! " she screamed before sticking her tongue Dominik running to her aid pulling her waist whispering something before JD left as Myra stood leaning against everyone before heading back behind as triple h gave her another it was a love triangle with Rey and Rhea as she was shocked " what! " she whispered " are you crazy? " Triple H laughed and nodded before walking away

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