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Myra had a match with Becky Lynch and Mercedes she got into her gear looking in the mirror taking a deep breath as she slicked back her hair and did her makeup someone walk into the room seeing it was Rhea she was rushing to get to her makeup " hey Rhea wanna help me finish my makeup " she asked laughing Rhea walked over and did her lipstick she was finishing her eyes as Rhea looked at her licked her lips Myra pulled back from her before heading to the gorilla she waited with her title when she heard her music, she walked out smirking seeing Becky and Mercedes pace the ring they were like sharks in the water when she got into the ring she held her title up climbing on the turnbuckle before handing the title to the ref Mercedes stepped out while Becky smirked the bell rang Myra swiped her legs out from her making Becky fall on her ass she quickly got up grabbing her by the hair and throwing into the turnbuckle Myra held her face Becky went to bulldoze but she moved down before it could happen Myra crawled away Myra kicked Becky in the back as Becky held her back before Seth Rollins music came on and he walked out towards the ring Myra looked stunned it was 1 vs 3 she looked at the crowd panic spread across her face she grabbed Becky by the hair striking her across the chest Becky flinched trying to pull away but she couldn't Mercedes grabbed myras legs pulling her which resulted in Myra letting go and kicking her then Seth jumped in grabbing Myra picking her up and tossing her onto the floor outside the ring Myra held her back as coughed she tasted metal Myra stood up spitting blood climbing back into the ring people were cheering The judgement day saw this looking at each other Rhea said fast " we gotta do something she's coughing blood " she said to Dominik " there's nothing we can do " Myra grabbed Seth picking him up and throwing out then hitting Becky across the face several times as Myra coughed again climbing up at the rope the crowd looked scared as Rhea looked at them Myra got to the top of the rope frogsplatting Becky grabbing her legs she kicked out Myra screamed in anguish spitting blood at Becky she got up again as Becky screamed tapping Mercedes in going to Seth Myra spat blood at her before grabbing her hair and throwing her into the turnbuckle kicking her back several times before Mercedes moved myras bone pushed out of her skin she screamed looking at her foot and the bone she got up the refs and security were trying to stop and call the match but Myra kept attacking Mercedes she was struggling Rhea shoved Dominik " DO SOMETHING SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND! " she screamed as Dom rushed out with a mic " stop stop! " everyone turned to look at him Myra threw Mercedes down grabbing her legs folding her the ref counted she won Dominik looked at her Myra grabbed her titles stumbling out of the ring as she screamed holding her foot Dominik dropped the mic and ran to her " help goddammit! " he yelled at them as an ambulance pulled in rushing her away but Dominik couldn't go with he had to fight Rey Mysterio with LWO and Judgement day Dominik saw the blood as his heart sank turning to them but he got ready for his match with his dad and LWO.

LWO was announced to come out Zelina, Carlito, Rey all came out and walked into the ring before Judgement day walked out it was Zelina VS Rhea, Zelina smirked at her but Rhea knew she could overpower her in seconds Zelina grabbed Rhea but Rhea pushed her off picking her up throwing her onto the ring as Zelina held her back groaning as Rey held his hand out but Dominik rushed over clotheslining him as Rhea threw Zelina into the turnbuckle Rhea rushed towards her but Zelina put her knees up as Rhea held her stomach backing into the other side as Dom looking at her worriedly " you okay Rhea " he said holding her hand she nodded as zelina rushed towards she kicked her in the face Zelina nose was bleeding badly backing up slapping Rey hand Rhea slapped Dominik's hand getting out and leaning onto Damian panting heavily, Dom rushed towards Rey but Rey picked him up and threw him against the rope before performing 619 to dom Rhea looked at Dominik  " Cmon Dominik! " she screamed as Dominik headbutted Rey in the nuts as he collapsed while that was going on Rhea looked faint she was slurring her words her pupils dilated before collapsing onto the ground Damian rushed over " shit she's had a heart attack " he started performing CPR while Finn held up an X sign over his head meaning it was real the crowd was scared watching everything unfold the match was postponed for a later date and everyone left the ring Judgement day left with Rhea in the ambulance Damian held her hand worriedly he started to cry he was scared he was gonna lose his true love the people manage to get a heartbeat back she woke up looking around " wh-what... " she muttered before Damian kissed her head rubbing her head " relax baby you had a heartattack just be easy but our people don't know if you'll be able to come back to wrestling incase your heart is faulty " these words made rheas heart break into pieces her livelihood gone.

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