Myra Vs Rhea

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Rhea was fuming with jealously she was angry dom was only a showmance now and not her boyfriend she growled holding her title and walked out smirking as the crowed chanted ' Mami! ' with dom following right behind her like a lost child when they got into the ring Rhea licked her lips before saying " as we all know I am the Smackdown Women's champion but this newcomer has come in and tried to it from me I won't let that happen this newcomer should be known to fear me as every single woman and man does even dom dom." She grabbed his face forcing him on his knees smirking he was stunned " so Myra I challenge you to beat me for my title and we'll see who really should be feared " she said as Myra came over the big screen " you are on " she smirked as Dom smirked with Rhea before heading back down off the ring behind the gorilla; Myra was sitting in her room feeding James as Dom came in " are you crazy facing Rhea Ripley the most FEARED woman in WWE center you are gonna get yourself killed " he said worried as Myra shrugged " I don't care she hasn't liked me since we've met you have known this she's been cold towards me and ever since we started dating she's hated me forever and is jealous " Myra said rolling her eyes and burped James as Dom sighed, " I know I just don't want you hurt " he said kissing her lips

The day came for Myra and Rhea to face off for the championship she was ready bouncing around the ring while Rhea walked slowly the bell rang signaling the match started Rhea rushed to her but Myra jumped sending her into the turnbuckle Myra grabbed rheas hair throwing her into the turnbuckle again and shouldering her over and over again Rhea held her stomach as she screamed before she shoved Myra away climbing to the top and jumping down frogsplatting her grabbing who leg kicking out at two Myra stomped on Rheas head then dropped kicked her out smirking perfect position to 619 which she did as Rhea held her face she grabbed Myra angrily tossing her into the turnbuckle before kicking sides as Rhea felt something break screaming rolling out of the ring holding her ribs kicking and screaming Dom, Finn, and Damian came running out to Rhea " oh my gosh Rhea you okay! " Finn said holding her close " I think she broke my fucking rib! " she screamed before getting up " I'm finishing this fucking match " she got up staggering towards the ring then getting in the ring as Dom, Finn and Damian watched worriedly Myra took a deep breath charging her clotheslining her again before picking her up and throwing her down climbing the top rope and jumping down before interlocking their legs and the ref counted to three as Myra won the match and title she screamed as she grabbed the title holding it up as Rhea gasps holding her ribs Myra then checked on Rhea " come here help! " she screamed at the people as Rhea cried in pain people came running out taking Rhea away as Damian and Finn went after before Myra looked over at dom who got into the ring and smiled " good job babe " he whispered softly before leaving with her as people looked confused why dom wasn't with Rhea when she left in the ambulance when they were behind the gorilla they headed to the room as she saw James " hiiii baby " she picked him up and bounced him gently he laughed " look mommy wom her first title " she said as Dom smiled and kissed her cheek softly seeing james laugh she got cleaned up fixing her makeup " alright I gotta go do some interviews watch James for me " she smiled softly Dominik took James as Myra left for interviews it had been late once she finished they headed home once they got home Myra took a picture in the mirror posted it then went to sleep that night happily

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