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A/N - Hey I already have my next story in mind so yeah be ready for that! :) hope your enjoying it so far! :)
Rhea was having a lot problems during her pregnancy she was having doctors appointments constantly to make sure the baby was doing fine all the doctors she went said she was doing okay and nothing was wrong but to keep going to her appointment Rhea was worried trying to get the nursery together in time for baby she was around 8 months when she woke up seeing blood between her legs she screamed waking Damian crying " i-im bleeding baby I'm bleeding! " she said as Damian picked her up and rushed her to the hospital fast when he got there he screamed while Rhea bled out the doctors worked fast knowing something was wrong she was a month early thst wasn't a good sign premature the baby and her could die; time was going the doctors were rushing against the clock after a while the doctors came to Damian he shot up quickly " is my wife okay? The baby? " he asked rapidly the doctors smiled " both are okay but your baby isn't going home today a month early the baby is in the nicu if you would like to go and check on your wife " the doctor said as Damian rushed to rhea who was crying hysterically he hugged her she was apologetic " I'm sorry I'm sorry " she said crying shaking as damian kissed her head " it's okay the baby is okay I'm just glad I didn't lose you " he smiled wiping her eyes as Myra and the others rushed it looking at her; Myra walked up and kissed her head " you okay Rhea? " Myra asked gently as Rhea nodded holding damians hand leaning against Myra wincing a little " i-i don't know what happened I was careful " she said to them Myra " it's okay things happened you always have another shot " she said gently rubbing her head.

It was weeks before the baby and Rhea could leave Damian was super worried while having to perform without Rhea when they finally were able to go home Damian smiled softly getting them settled in " just relax and I'll do everything " he smiled softly Rhea nods and relaxed while looking at their baby she giggled trying not to cry wiping her eyes " I love you so much lexi " Rhea said as Damian walked over " is that the baby's name lexi " he asked smiling Rhea nodded happily " yeah it is " she said looking at Damian

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