Rhea's broken rib

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The doctor had repaired the rib but told Rhea she wasn't allowed to wrestle or move for a while; she was sad but then Dom, Myra, baby James, Damian and Finn walked inside Rhea glared at Myra " why is she here " she asked them holding her side sitting up Myra " I came to apologize I didn't mean to hurt you " she said softly bouncing James as Rhea sighed " I know you didn't mean too it happens it was just the heat of the moment that was a good kick tho I must say " she laughed before looking at James " he looks just like Dominik " she said to them " may I hold him " she asked softly Myra nodded and passed James off as Rhea smiled " God I've always wanted kids " she said to them happily " well he wasn't exactly planned but yeah hopefully we have more since this kind of made me rethink my choice on not having any " Myra laughed walking beside Rhea and kissed her head " you okay you feel hot " she said feeling her head as Dominik quickly removed James from her arm he was very panicky about illnesses around the baby Rhea " oh I am I don't feel hot " she said confused, a nurse came in and smiled " how you feeling Rhea everything okay? " Myra " she feels hot is that normal after surgery " she asked worriedly the nurse took her temp looking at it " no not really " she said before calling others as other stuff started to rise Rhea was rushed away there could of been other stuff punctured Myra looked over at the others she was worried she blamed herself as Dom rubbed her shoulder James was getting fussy crying he wasn't hungry just tired " he's tired babe let's go " she said getting up and walked away from Damian and Finn who waited for Rhea

When they got home they put James to bed as Dominik hugged Myra and kissed her lips ⚠️ smut upcoming ⚠️ Myra kissed back too rubbing him as he groaned heavily " don't start what you can't finish~ " he pants out smirking as Myra continued to tease him he picked her up walking to the bedroom laying her down taking off their clothes he attacked her neck with kisses marking her up moving lower stopping right before her clit he looked up at her she nodded giving him the go ahead he slid his fingers in her pumping in and out as Myra moans grabbing the sheets her legs convulsed with pleasure along with her face he slowly pushed his tongue in as Myra bit her lip gasping her thighs squeezing around his head Dominik pulled her up forcing her to ride his face as she moaned getting closer to finishing he clawed her back which she didn't mind he pushed her off leaving her wanting more she whined " don't stop please ~ " she said grabbing at him as Dominik giggled darkly he turned her over kissing her back when he spread her open slowly pushing her thrusting in and out as Myra moaned into the pillow Dominik held her hands down panting and sweating before using his hand to help her down there Dominik and Myra both finished gasping as Dom collapsed next to her smiling softly pulling her close and kissed her lips " you did amazing baby " he said gently Myra giggled softly before closing her eyes slowly falling asleep on his chest

When she woke up that morning she went to shower washing off everything the night before when she got out she put on some pj shorts, a black crop top, and a jacket brushing her hair and teeth then did little makeup checking on Dom who was still asleep she giggled softly before heading to James who was up holding himself up with the crib " hiiiiii my sweet boyyyyy " she said cheerfully picking up him and changing his diaper and kissed his head before heading out on the deck sitting on the chair listening to the birds chirp while James babbled that's when Dominik walked out in boxers and a shirt " there's my lovelies " he said and kissed their head before heading back inside as Myra followed him shutting the door she set James down before hugging Dominik from behind " whatcha planning on doing today since we are free " she asked him messing with his hair " let's take the baby to the pool it'll be his first time " Myra was a little worried but nodded " Okay! I'll get the bag ready " she said walking away from them and into the bedroom getting a bag ready with sunscreen and other pool stuff as she took a deep breath and picked the bag before bringing into the living room as Dominik kissed her lips " don't worry about it love ill make sure you and the baby are safe now go get ready I'll get him ready " he said reassuring her; Myra walked back to the bedroom and undressed herself changing into a two piece lacey bathing suit with a cover up over it when she came out Dominik was already in his and so was James she smiled " you look amazing " she said gently and smiled softly Dominik " so do you " he said before picking up the bag he had a surprise Dom had invited her family down for the rest of the week since they hadn't seen them for awhile when they got there Dominik had checked them in and looked over at Myra who was shocked to see her family there " oh my gosh! " she hugged them happily " what are you guys doing here! " She asked so confused " Dominik invited down to see you all since we hadn't for awhile " Amy answered Dominik smiled as he was putting sunscreen on James then getting into the water with him Myra kinda panicked getting into the water as well Maeve giggled gently " maternal instincts right there " she said nudging her mom before they got in as well Myra had swam off into the deeper end when she saw a kid who was flipped front side on their face floating she swam over " hey kid you okay? " no response she then turned him off was blue she quickly got him out of the water listening to his breathing he wasn't she performed CPR on the kid trying to get the water out of his lungs blowing into his mouth shoving her fingers down the throat and pounding his back time was precious after 5 minutes the kid coughed up the water she hugged the kid before calling the people over " you okay? " Myra asked the kid nodded she looked around calling for the kids parents they came over seemingly angry " what we are trying to enjoy our pool day? " the parents asked her not even asking their kid if they are fine Myra growled " your kid had fluids in his lungs! Why was he in the deeper end of the pool unsupervised! " she screamed at them, The parents just shrugged " well he's fine now whats the deal " they said not caring this pissed Myra off " YEAH HE'S ALIVE NOW BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NEXT TIME THIS HAPPENS YOU WON'T BE AS LUCKY " Myra shoved the parents before seeing their baby unattended " and your baby is by their self " she said before looking at the people " get child services now these are unfit parents " they nodded calling CPS before the mom screamed a bunch of nice language at Myra who was bouncing the baby gently pacing in anger as the kid grabbed ahold of Myra she was trying to calm them down " I know you have terrible parents " she said to them before CPS came and handle the rest of the stuff she had gone back to her family she was still angry she wanted to hurt those parents Dominik " everything okay? " he asked her Myra looked over at him " no those parents left a baby and a really small child by their selves like who does that " she said wanting to cry as Dominik kissed her head " luckily you handle it and now if they get their kids taken it's their fault " he said gently before getting out with her " wanna get some food at the snack bar area I'm hungry " he said to her smiling Myra nodded as she saw James with her mom and dad walking to the snack area humming looking at the options once it was their turned she ordered a pretzel with cheese and Dominik order pizza and sat down at a table happily once their food came they ate and went back over sitting down as Myra took her baby wrapping him up gently and kissed his head " was this fun " she said in a cheerful voice he laughed and smiled in agreement, Myra smiled softly and looked over at Maeve who seemed upset " hey sis is everything okay? " she asked her Maeve looked over " uh yeah I'm okay..." she said gently trying not to cry as Myra knew this was bullshit " Maeve cmon tell me what's wrong I know your lying " she said sweetly " I'm infertile I can't have kids " she said to Myra who hugged her tightly " I'm so sorry honey " Myra said and kissed her head Maeve just shrugged a couple hours pass by its eventually nighttime her and Dominik started heading home as they were all tired and bodies hurt when they got into the car James was fussy and crying poor baby was tired and needed sleepy time Dominik drove as fast as he could trying to avoid falling asleep at the wheel luckily they got home safely Myra got James out walking him to the bedroom taking off his stuff and placing him into his crib where he fell asleep immediately she then grabbed clothes for a shower along with Dominik when they got into the bathroom together Dominik had noitced the cigarette burns on her skin " babe what is this...? " he asked worriedly looking at her Myra quickly hid herself " nothing " she said washing her body she didn't want to talk about it Dominik frowned helping her he was worried he knew something was wrong but didn't want to push incase this was something she wasn't ready for when she got out she dressed herself quickly checking on James before laying down closing her eyes her fingers ran across the marks as she broke down sliently getting up fast and heading to the balcony taking a deep breath before grabbing a lighter and burning it to her skin counting then pulling away gasping a bit doing it some more before going back to bed for the night; she woke up that morning early before dom did luckily the baby was still sleeping she headed out into the kitchen then called Rhea as much as she knew Rhea hated her she wanted to check up on her since the rib injury; Rhea had picked up " hey who's this? " she asked into the phone she sounded weak " it's Myra how you doing? " she asked her gently into the phone " I'm okay just still dealing with this stuff " Rhea laughed into the phone coughing a bit " you okay you sound terrible " she said gently Myra " I'm fine you don't sound so good either " she said " I'm really sorry for what I did I know you don't like me but I would never intentionally hurt someone " Rhea laughed " maybe in thr beginning I didn't like you but me and Dom were just falling out so yeah... it's understandable we didn't last long and besides I think we are only for a showmance " she laughed Myra sighed " Okay imma let you rest now bye Rhea love you get better " she hung up then sighed leaving the house for some air she wasn't thinking clearly she needed to leave before she hurt someone else

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