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The love triangle was still going on tho Rhea wasn't 100% yet having major attachment issues with her baby but it was okay she manages throughout RAW and any interviews she had that night; Rey had his arm completely engulfed around myras waist smirking at her as the other members talked before JD came up, Damian " I hate to interrupt this love thing going but we need to speak with Myra alone " he replied as Rey quickly shook his head " sorry no that wouldn't be happening " he said before Rhea snatched Myra fast running off with her pinning her against the wall smirking lifting her chin and bent down kissing her neck gently as myra shoved her off " I'm with Rey and LWO um so whatever you are trying to do like what you did with dom won't work with me " she gritted through her teeth as Rhea grabbed Myra's throat smirking " you'll learn when you see how pathetic LWO is " she said as Myra's eyes went black tossing her off gasping running back to Rey holding onto him looking scared as Rhea came back laughing " mmm she tasted nice " she said winking at Rey as Zelina attacked Rhea but was quickly apprehended by security Rhea laughed " you bitch! " she yelled looking at zelina Dominik holding Rhea back before walking away all tightened up.

Myra and Dom and the kids had gone home she was stressed to the point she was making herself sick getting a shower and locking the door trying to calm through her anxiety while Dom put the kids bed both were sick he groaned giving them medicine and setting up stuff for him on the couch knowing he was gonna be on sick duty tonight; Myra got out seeing Dom on the couch " why you on the couch? " she asked confused before he could answer Aria walked out stumbling rubbing her stomach " dadddyyyyy " she whined Dom " that's why both kids are sick so I'll be taking care of them tonight " he said going over to Aria crouching down " yes honey? " he asked sweetly she whined " my belly really hurts "  Dom " just go lay down honey the medicine will help you in a little while " he said as Aria walked away nodding holding her teddy bear; Rhea was up with the baby running her fingers through her hair bouncing trying to get Lexi to latch on to her boob and bottle but neither were working she didn't need a change or anything just screaming and crying Rhea then started cry too before Damian came in and helped the baby settle down and getting Rhea backed to bed.

Myra was training while waiting for her cue when she finished she got her gear on braiding her hair then pinning it down makeup was then finished heading out of the room pacing the area with Rey and the others happily as JD watched from afar they headed out this match would finally deter who Myra would be OFFICALLY joining she took a deep breath sitting ringside chained ( kinky I know ;) ) watching as the match went on; all the sudden Rhea got out of the ring running up to Myra pulling the chains and kissing Myra before pulling away looking at the ref and everyone else Myra was stunned but she grabbed Rhea again and kissed back signaling the choice was made Myra was officially part of judgement day.
A/n - this is the end of this one! I hope you all liked it sorry this one wasn't long like my first one was but I'm hoping with this next story it will be aslo don't forget to suggest stuff to me that you want me to include into my stories:)

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