Women's Royal Rumble

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It was the day of the women's royal rumble there were about 26 women in the ring including Myra, Rhea, Zelina, Becky, Liv and Raquel all the women in there were ready, fierce, combative the round started Auska used her mist getting two out before Myra charged auska flipping her out Becky picked up Myra grabbing onto her hair as Becky let go before frogsplatting Becky panting Myra moved out the way Raquel charging her as Liv and Rhea were fighting each other Myra grabbed Liv picking her up throwing off she was out smirking at Rhea as Rhea charged at piper kicking her in the side as she picked her up riptiding then pushing her out it was getting lower eventually it was Rhea and Myra they were both exhausted and tired but continued to battle each other Myra was close to giving up as Rhea panted she was filled with adrenaline " cmon Myra close to giving up! " she yelled at her as Myra grabbed the rope her knees buckling before climbing the turnbuckle jumping onto Rhea wrapping her thighs around her neck shattering to the ground she wasn't letting go Rhea bit down on Myra's thigh she screamed before grabbing a kendo stick and swinging it at her as Rhea screamed getting onto her knees before laying flat onto the ground Myra panted heavily grabbing and throwing her out she won the rumble panting before grabbing her title and buckled out her played she would be going as Rhea looked at her anger filled her face before she took a deep breath Myra came back behind the gorilla as she collapsed onto the ground panting heavily Dominik ran " Myra! BABE! CAN YOU HEAR ME! " he screamed giving James to Damian as Myra ears rang her vision blurred Dominik screamed for help thr medical center came rushing over discussing the issues " what's wrong with my baby! " Dominik screamed no response they rushed her off he paced back and forth panicking as Rhea came back " everything okay? " she said " Myra has been rushed to the medical center she collapsed " Finn answered as Rhea hugged Dominik who hugged back crying " I can't lose her I can't.... " after awhile the doctors came back out " she was severely dehydrated she hadn't had fluids since two days ago and the rumble match had exhausted her causing her temperature to spike her BP to drop and everything else " they said looking at dom as Dominik looked at them " is she okay! Is my baby okay! " he yelled they nodded he rushed past them and saw Myra who was weak " heyyyy Dominik " she said coughing as Dominik rushed over. " baby why were you drinking fluids " he said sighing she sighed " I just.... forgot " she said wincing a little a nurse pulled him aside " aslo while we were examining her we noitced her burn marks from cigarettes and lighters ' she whispered lowly as Dominik looked over at Myra eyes widen " wh-what... " he said appalled " yeah... the burns are pretty severe it seems she's being doing this for awhile " the nurse answered as Dominik stormed off biting his lip tears filling his eyes before taking James and their stuff to the car getting in and driving home he wiped his eyes trying not to cry when he got home he changed James putting him to the bed then going to the bedroom and crying that whole night when got up that next morning his whole body was tired but he knew he had to get Myra so he chugged a coffee and went to get James up heading to the car and getting him before getting in the driver's side and drove back to the arena when he got there she was waiting she smiled happily getting inside and kissed his cheek he gave a hearty smile and drove home it was slience between the two when they got home getting James out then heading inside Dominik went to the bedroom Myra was confused setting James in a playpen before going to dom " dom is everything okay? " she asked worriedly placing her hand on his shoulder he moved " the nurse saw the burns why are you doing that to yourself you said you weren't " he asked her Myra backed up she looked down " because I hate myself I hate everything about me " she said holding herself Dom got up and hugged her tightly rubbing her back she cried " nothing is the same anymore my body is ruined " she sobbed as Dom just held her close laying down with her until she went to sleep again he got up picked up James and brought him back to the room and sat down on the bed with him and Myra

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