Gender Reveal

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It was the day of Myra's gender reveal since she found out when she got dressed for it she smiled happily looking over at Dominik who helped her with her shoes before placing her necklace on then picked up James " you excited for your sister/brother " she said happily he nodded excitedly clapping before heading to the car with them buckling James up before getting in the passenger side while Dom got in the driver side; driving to the party what Myra didn't know her family was there waiting as a surprise when they got there Dominik helped Myra out as James jumped our running to Roux Myra giggled softly walking to them " hey guys! " she said hugging Becky and Seth before the others hugged them she sat down on chair as Rhea came over and crouched infront of her and kissed her stomach " how you feeling " she asked her rubbing her stomach as Damian came over smiling " I'm okay " Myra answered giggling happily looking at the both of them " how's yall going " she teased Rhea Rhea rolled her eyes " we are okay " she said standing up " well eat then hopefully soon we can open your gifts " she said gently walking away as Myra went to get some food when she sat down she ate happily as Dominik came over next to and kissed her cheek before waving to her parents who were there once Myra was done the gift giving happened she smiled happily as it was mix of boys and girls clothes she smiled as her parents and sister walked out with theirs her eyes lit up happily and hugged them before opening their gifts " aw guys thank you so much! " she teared up wiping her eyes holding her stomach, Dom held her hand and ran his finger across her knuckles Maeve walked up " so have you ever thought about marrying since you guys already have kids " she asked as Dominik looked at her " well yeah obviously " he said excitedly as Maeve nodded walking away to go talk with some people Amy came up to her and kiss her head " I am so proud of you baby I'm so glad I get a second grandbaby " she said it was a few hours later everything was dying down people were heading home as Myra yawned getting up " cmon let's go home " she said gently to Dominik who was exhausted he nodded in agreement when they went home Dominik helped undress her and clean her off James had already gone to bed Myra laid down closing her eyes slowly falling asleep Dominik got a text from Damian the text that popped up was ' hey I'm planning to propose to Rhea in the ring can you help me with it just distract her and stuff ' Dominik smiled texting back 'of course bro I gotcha you ' before going to sleep.

At work the next day Dominik was doing everything he could to make sure Rhea was distracted when it came time The group plus Myra came down to the ring talking smack when Damian grabbed the mic from Rhea she was shocked asking "what are you doing" he took a deep breath " Rhea I have loved you since the day we met I've wanted to do this for a really long time " he said handing the mic to Finn getting on one knee " will you marry me? " he asked as Rhea was stunned looking at them before nodding " yes! " she screamed happily as Damian put the ring on her finger and kissed each other Myra clapped happily as Damian looked at Dominik mouthing ' thank you ' he nodded back as people shouted in excitement/anger they left the ring as Rhea boasted about her engagement to everyone and her family

Myra and Dominik went home that night her body was getting more tired as the months went on she collapsed onto the bed immediately falling asleep Dominik laughed a little there was a knock at the door he went open it stumbling in was his drunk ex fiance (don't worry not rhea) he backed up " what are you doing here? " he asked worriedly she slurred her words " I justs wants you backs " she laughed as he rolled his eyes " should of thought about thst before cheating on me " he said shoving her out the door locking it and going to bed that next morning Myra sat up in a lot of pain she shook Dominik who got up quickly " everything okay baby? " he asked worriedly she shook her head " no! I'm in a lot of pain " she said " but your not due for another month or so " he asked scooping her up and dashing to the car calling Becky who answered " hey im sorry to call you on such short noitce but Myra is in pain can you watch James while we're gone please " he sounded desperate Becky nodded stopping Roux up answered driving " yeah I'm on my way just go " Dominik hung up and drove to the hospital fast as Myra howled in pain gripping her stomach tightly when they got to the hospital Dominik rushed out with her and yelled for help immediately being swooped away Dominik followed worried as the doctors checked her " she's far too early she's gonna have to deliver this baby " he said to them as Myra cried but nodded as she started pushing gripping onto Dominik as Myra sobbed loudly " I don't wanna lose my baby " she leaned against dom as the nurses tried reassuring she wouldn't Myra kept pushing it felt hours when she finally finished she was shaking badly gripping dom loosely they quickly checked her she was bleeding badly they were trying to get it to stop Dominik was crying she had gone into shock the doctors rushed her off as Dom had a panick attack he paced the room calling Rhea; Rhea picked up panting heavily " yeah dom " she asked he cried gasping for air he couldn't speak Rhea pushed Damian off fast getting dressed " dom what's wrong " she said going to the car driving to the hospital " myras in surgery! She went into shock and the baby I don't know! " he cried Rhea got there rushing to the room as Dominik was on the floor he was throwing up Rhea rushed over pulling him close as he sobbed into her chest gripping her tightly Rhea was looking at him worriedly, it was hours later the problems had settled Rhea had watched dom cry himself to sleep when the doctors came in she turned around around she could feel the tension " is this baby okay? Is Myra okay? " she asked them they nodded " both survived luckily but it's gonna be awhile before they leave " the doctor said to Rhea who sighed sitting next to Dominik tired body Rhea ran her fingers through her hair calling Damian who she knew probably was mad about being interrupted during spicy time but he answered " yes? " he said Rhea sighed " I'm sorry about cutting our thing short it's just something happened with Myra and the baby both are okay just won't be leaving for a bit " she said into the phone Damian sighed sitting up " it's fine baby just watch them " he hung up they eventually brought the baby and Myra back Dom was awake seeing the baby and his wife he teared up as Rhea rubbed his back she woke up slightly she was groggy " where's my baby... " she said tiredly " beside you dear " Dominik said walking over to his babygirl " what should we name her hun " Myra was out of it " Aria may Mysterio " she said before falling asleep Dominik picked Aria up and kissed her head bouncing Aria gently as James looked at his sister " is that my sissy? " James asked as Dominik nodded sitting on the chair to let him see Myra was weaked seeing her two babies together Rhea kissed her head " just relax Myra your gonna be here a bit " she said softly and kissed her head Myra nodded closing her eyes falling asleep.

It had been a couple weeks since the birth of Aria they were finally able to leave but was told to stay off her feet for now so Dominik and all of judgement day made sure of that but it was upsetting Myra a lot, one day Myra broke down putting herself under the covers and crying Aria was crying Myra grabbed her hair before covering her ears it was almost like she was reverting to a younger version of herself Rhea was wondering what was up walking to the room seeing that Aria was crying picking her up bouncing her gently as she pulled myras cover up Myra snatched them back " LEAVE ME ALONE! " she screamed Rhea jumped back bouncing Aria before leaving the room " uh Dominik something is wrong with Myra " She said worriedly as Dominik quickly rushed in there pulling the covers back Myra screamed again but dom pulled her close " hey hey easy it's just me " he said to her kissed her head she had calm down a little bit " I can't sit on my feet I hate it hate it! " she said to him as Dom sighed " I know but you have too doctors order " he was met with a hard shove from Myra who turned on her side covering herself again " just fuck off dom " she said as he pouted walking away looking at them " she just pushed me away she didn't like being told it was doctors orders " Rhea hugged him and rubbed his back " it's okay she's just going through it right now."
A/N - Uh oh some tension between Myra and Dominik? What do you think will happen, will Dominik do something drastic or will Myra and what about Rhea will she try to slip her way with dom or keep her course 😉

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