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Myra had closed herself off feeding Aria and making sure James was fed while not talking to Dominik; Dominik was getting worried he was trying to talk but she wasn't answering eventually he broke down " just tell me what's wrong please! " he was on his knees crying massively but Myra didn't respond he was upset and left going to the bar texting Rhea about Myra when he got there he got out he ordered a ton of shots chugging them his heart was breaking Rhea was angry she went to Myra opening the door " what the fuck is your problem! " she shouted at Myra as Myra sighed " I don't know okay I've been struggling with a lot " she said gently walking to put her kids down for a nap Rhea followed Myra " I've given birth to two kids almost died twice and I'm so busy with my career " she said sitting down running her fingers through her hair as Rhea kissed her head " I know I know but Dominik loves and cares about you you can't shut him out it scares him that your shutting him out " Myra sighed " I know but he just doesn't understand what I'm feeling and what I've been through " she said to Rhea who rubbed her shoulder " I know but you gotta tell him instead of just pulling away from him " she said gently Myra just nodded leaning against Rhea who comforted her then myras phone started buzzing she picked it up it was Dominik Myra answered " hello? " Dominik replied slurring his words " heyyyyyy babbbeeee can youuuuu pick me uppppppp " he laughed Rhea shook her head " I'll get him just stay here " Myra hang up and Rhea left to get Dominik shaking her head " you are a dumbass dom "  she pulled up seeing his ass stumbling she got out brought him to the car and smacked his head he held his head " owwww what was that for " he asked Rhea who angrily drove back to the house " your dumbass going to bar and drinking!? "

The next day Myra had gotten up getting ready for work while getting Dominik his clothes out when Dominik got up he took some headache medication before changing once they were ready Myra got the kids settled in before getting into the passenger side of the car then Dominik drove to WWE once they got there they got out getting the kids then their stuff heading inside Myra looked at dom " if you need medication it's in the bag " she said to him softly before heading to the locker room with het stuff Rhea was already in there waiting for her; Myra had a match with Nattie and Trish she knew this could end with her losing her titles or her keeping them issue was she was on her own no one wanted to face them with her so when it was time she walked out there confident holding her titles before seeing Trish and Nattie come out Myra handed the titles away before the match started Trish immediately was able to grab ahold of Myra slamming her down before body slamming herself into Myra as Myra slicked away getting up holding her stomach as trish came charging at her she quickly kicked her feet up hitting Trish in the chest she recoiled Myra smirking grabbing Trish swinging her around into the rope tying her arms around it before making her hand into swirling motion then giving the 619 to Trish; Rey clapped " yay! Good job! " he yelled from the gorilla tho Myra couldn't hear him Trish untied herself from the rope smacking natties hand making her a viable opponent; Nattie was less experience and only just started so Myra was for sure gonna have an advantage with her Myra swung her leg out from under grabbing them both and locking them trying to make her tap moving away from Trish who was screaming and held her hand out but no use helped nattie was close to tapping out before she kicked Myra in the face Myra held her nose blood trickled Nattie ran to trisha getting her in Trish immediately bulldozed into Myra all the sudden it goes black confusing not only the crowd but the people in the ring then you hear


IT WAS RHEA FREAKIN RIPLEY!!!! She rushed into the back of Trish jumping in smirking as Myra jumped out Rhea picked up Trish riptiding her grabbing her legs folding her like a pretzel she kicked out at two and half Rhea growled getting back up clotheslining trisha taking the wind out of her before kicking her in the back punching her as her partner screamed to tap her hand Rhea grabbed Trish arms yanking them and pressing her feet against her back Trish screamed before being flung into the center she was once again riptide but Rhea kept her down the bell rung and they won Myra and Rhea; Myra got into the ring hugging Rhea and kissed her cheek holding her titles " WE DID IT AHHHH! " Rhea screamed at Myra excitedly who nodded in agreement jumping for joy as Nattie and Trish came strolling they were sulking but Myra didn't care she was happy she won, Rhea looked at Myra and kissed her lips she hadn't thought it was in the spur of the moment it was captured by the camera you could just hear the crowd go wild Myra was stunned she had no idea what to say the camera pulled away soon after she saw Dominik hopefully he didn't know she ran over and hugged him but he pushed off and looked over at Rhea and went crazy " you kissed my girl really Rhea! " he yelled Rhea recoiled " I didn't mean too heat of the moment and all " Myra tried to say something " babe she - " she was quickly met with a hand she backed up as her flashbacks were triggered she ran off with her titles into the shower room gasping for air shaking her head " n-no no! " she screamed banging her fists against her skin Dominik realized what he had done " I didn't mean too I was just upset " he said looking at the others as Rhea scoffed " bullshit " she said going to find Myra who was in the shower room Rhea quickly went to her and hugged her " shhhh it's okay it's okay do you wanna come back to my place for a bit until you feel good with Aria and James " she asked gently Myra nodded getting up with her leaving the room and grabbing their stuff and heading out the door dom trying to talk with them but they didn't respond or acknowledge he was there once they were in the car with James and Aria they drove to rheas house once they got there Rhea let her and the kids go inside then she went to make them something Myra smiled " thanks for letting us stay here " Rhea smiled and nodded " your welcome " she said as James walked over with Aria in his arms " mommy look I holding sissy " Myra smiled softly before picking up Aria " dinner will be done very soon go play " James nodded running off into the playroom that Rhea set up; Myra leaned against her helping her with dinner a few hours later dinner was done " James dinner is done! " Myra called out as he came running out sitting down Rhea plated everyone food Myra sat down feeding Aria Rhea started eating while Myra was eating and James ate happily James finished quickly putting his plate and fork in the sink before going to play again they all finished as Myra got Aria down for bed then told James it was time to sleep which he went to bed then she turned to Rhea " is it okay if I shower then I'll sleep on the couch " she said to her as Rhea turned to her " it's fine just sleep in my bed " she said a light blush formed around her cheeks before Myra nods heading off to the shower she got out checking her phone seeing several missed calls from Dominik she turned off her phone as Rhea came in behind her " you okay? " she asked her rubbing her shoulders Myra sighed " yeah I'm okay just dom hasn't stop texting me since we've left " she said to Rhea she leaned against her Rhea smiled and brought her to the bed giving her some clothes to change which Myra immediately stripped down Rhea couldn't help but stare once Myra was done she laid down closely to Rhea; Myra counted her heartbeats before slowly falling asleep Rhea blushed and kissed her head before sleeping as well; in the middle of the night Myra had to get up to go feed Aria she yawned rubbing her eyes walking to the room picking up Aria feeding her yawning before feeling hands on her waist " who's that? " she asked scaredly Rhea " just me sorry you got up and I thought something was wrong " she said gently as Myra smiled setting Aria down after feeding her " no everything is okay " she said quietly before looking at Rhea kissing her lips passionately....

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