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When Myra got home she rushed out of the car with James opening the door as the others smiled rushing to them as Dominik hugged them as Myra smiled happily looking at them tears following from her eyes letting Dominik hold him but that would soon be broken a figured appeared behind Myra she hadn't noitce she was focused on James Rhea looked up at the figure grabbing Myra fast " why are you here? " she growled Myra looked up at her ex as her eyes widen shaking her head she had a mental breakdown gasping for air she wasn't letting anyone near her scratching at her skin her ex smirked " I see you still have the remedy of our relationship " he said coldly walking Dominik " you need to leave now and stay the fuck away from us and our family " he said as his ex touched Myra causing her scream more Rhea grabbed the guy tossing him into the wall " yo dude back off or I'm gonna show you the stairwell to hell " she growled lowly as her ex left " so this is the infamous mami I hear about that backs up her little boyfriend dom dom " he crossed his arms " pathetic " Dominik laid James down and started beating her ex up Myra covered her head flinching Damian and Finn pulled Dominik away " enough enough! " he was fighting them her ex scurried off shutting the door behind him as Rhea walked over pulling her close " he's gone honey " she said to her myra cried into her shoulder gripping tightly " m-my ba-baby is okay! " she yelled at Rhea she nodded gently giving her some water before closing her eyes she had exhausted herself Dominik picked James back up going to feed him his knuckles were bloody and he was heavy breathing feeding James some mashed up food Rhea came over to Dominik " easy dom don't wanna scare James you all should really get a restraining order against him he's gonna keep coming back " she said to him as Dom shrugged finishing up with James going to put him to bed.

Her ex was plotting her revenge to get back at dom and the others cleaning his face off taking a deep look at his face before punching the counter before sitting down and going to bed that night as Dominik couldn't sleep at all he was so worried about everything and everyone; the morning Dom was asleep on the floor next to James crib who was crying a lot Rhea had gotten up and taken care of James seeing Dom on the floor made her laugh Myra got up running to the bathroom holding her stomach before throwing up holding her hair back before wiping her lips groaning as Rhea walked over to her " you okay Myra " she asked crouching down Myra shrugged " I don't know I just had to the urge to puke " she said gently as Rhea looked at her " you are pregnant aren't you " she asked bluntly Myra shot up " no no whatsoever I can't be " she questioned confused before looking in the cabinet for a test she took a deep breath as Rhea left the bathroom waiting dom was still out cold shaking her head, Myra paced the bathroom floor biting her nails worriedly when she looked at the test " shit shit shit " she came out with the test handing it to Rhea " im... pregnant.... " Rhea hugged her happily " congratulations Myra your second baby " she said to her before seeing the look on her face " your not excited..." Myra shook her head " what about my ex too much stress can kill my baby " Myra sat down as she ran her fingers through her hair as Rhea sat next to her " we will keep him away I promise "

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