PPD ( post-partum depression )

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Myra was suffering with PPD her body hadn't gone back to normal she was struggling terrible Dominik was trying to help but he didn't know how to deal with postpartum he called her mom while Myra was trying to get back into shape " hey Mrs Goth Myra is struggling with PPD and I don't know how to help I'm worried for her " he said bouncing the baby trying to calm him down " just support help with the baby whenever cherish make her favorite things just love her continually " she said to him gently " Okay thanks " he said hanging up as the baby cried Myra's chest leaked milk hearing the baby " babe bring the baby here " Dominik did what he was told as she fed him he kissed her head " do you want me to cook or bring you your favorite? " he asked her smiling she looked at him " bring me something please " she said giving him a half smile she was happy he kissed her lips " Okay I'll take the baby too ill make sure he is safe " Dominik said as Myra teared up happily and nodded after the baby was fed Dominik took him to the car and got him before getting into the driver side and driving to a fast food place turning on some soft music as he got their food then went to the store for some other stuff bringing the baby inside getting chocolate, a stuff animal, makeup, ETC when he paid for it he made sure he covered the babies face since paparazzi and all then he got situated and drove home fast and carefully; Myra was working out rigid as she drank some water waiting for him to get home she pumped some milk for the baby as she took a deep breath her boobs hurt pressing warm compress on it once Dominik got home he got the baby out then grabbed everything heading inside seeing Myra with a warm compress on her chest " hey baby " she smiled seeing everything " what did you get me? " she asked he placed the baby down in a swing then laid it all out the counter as Myra teared up hugging him " aww baby you didn't have too " she said as Dom wiped her tears " but I did I'm always here for you no matter what " he said before giving a fry " now eat " she did and ate everything while he aslo ate then bringing the chocolate to the freezer then the rest of the stuff to the room she tried on the dress she got smiling it fit perfectly she wiped her eyes as Dom came behind and kissed her cheek " you look amazing honey " he said quietly as Myra giggled softly " thanks love "she said leaning her forehead against his

A month had passed she was wrestle ready she packed up her stuff along with her baby and her cat smiling " it's gonna feel so good getting back in that ring again " she said to him as he smiled softly nodding picking up his and her stuff bringing it to the car then helping her with the baby and cat setting them in the back buckling both up then getting into the driver side and Myra got into the passenger driving to the arena tho Myra was still struggling she stayed quiet she didn't say anything about it she looked at her baby through the mirror smiling gently checking on him every so often when they finally got there Dominik and her had gotten out and grabbed everything heading inside they were rushed by everyone who was gushing over baby James Myra smiled gently; Myra went to go get settled in once again setting James down and moonlily while Dominik shut the door and smiled helping her " you are gonna do great out there love "

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