Code Blue part two

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Judgment day and the others had gone to Myra's home she exhausted herself Dominik sighed laying her down before heading to the kitchen sitting with the others running his fingers through his hair as Rhea hugged him and kissed his head " everything will be okay dom " she said gently as his phone rang it was the hospital he grabbed it quickly answered " hello? Is my son okay " he said grabbing rhea's thigh worriedly the doctor sighed " your son is getting worse we can't figure out what's going with him did his mom have any difficulty in the birth? " he asked " just the normals minus the spilt pelvic bone " he shrugged a lump caught in his throat The doctor sighed " something must of happened during the pregnancy that is causing this " he said before hanging up as Dominik broke down leaning against Rhea as Rhea looked over at the others her heart was breaking for them Myra woke up after awhile as she walked out seeing everyone " hey guys.. " she said exhausted as Dominik got up and hugged her and kissed her head " hey baby " he said gently Myra leaning against him as Rhea looked at Dominik mouthing " you should tell her " he shook his head he couldn't as Myra sighed " I heard you all about James " she said tearing up feeling the lump in her throat " they are trying everyone everything they can to save our baby " he said trying to reassure her but she walked away back in the bedroom locking the door grabbing the lighter burning herself as she winced hiding her cries of pain Rhea got up fast " lemme talk to her " she said heading to the room unlocking it seeing Myra burning herself she rushed over grabbing the lighter " Myra why? " Rhea asked worriedly looking at her checking the wounds Myra sobbed " because I am a failure as a mother my kid is in the hospital because of me " she cried hard leaning against her grabbing at her skin trying to hurt herself but Rhea stopped her and kissed her head " I know I know but you are not a failure you are a great mother and friend you were destined to be a mom and a wrestler along with Dominik destined to be a daddy and wrestler " she said gently rubbing her back and kissed her head " do not be worried about James the doctors are doing everything they can to save James " she said as Damian and Finn came into the room sitting next to her with cold ice packs they smiled gently as Myra tried to calm herself down Dominik walking in the room and sitting down smiling and kissed her lips holding her hands " I'm right baby I will always be here for you " he said softly she nodded looking at them.

The next morning Damian, Finn, and Rhea had gotten up to help with stuff while Myra and Dominik slept in to ease their stress and not escalate anything quicker when Myra got up she went to get a shower washing off getting out throwing on pj shorts a black crop top and a work out jacket brushing her hair and walking to the kitchen seeing them she teared up happily " hey guys thanks for staying over and last night " she said as Rhea smiled " its really no problem just supporting my friends " Rhea smiled finishing up breakfast and getting everything together seeing Dominik just walk out in boxers yawning Myra looked at dom " babe go put some shorts on at least " she said laughing as Dom nodded and walked away putting shorts on then coming back out Myra's phone rang she grabbed it pretty fast answering it " hello! " she said the doctor answered " hello is this the parents of James?" Myra " yes is my baby okay " she walked over to her purse and keys the doctor " yes your baby is doing splendid you can come and take him home " he said happily as Myra hung up happily rushing to the car and driving to the hospital Rhea and the others looked over at Dominik " I think James is coming home " they all said and hugged Dominik as he smiled joyfully Myra got out fast running fast seeing the nurse grabbing her baby wrapping her arms around him " hey baby mommy's here! " she said to him running to the car and put him in his car seat quickly driving home
A/N - Baby James is home! What drama should I include next maybe more with her ex???

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