Myra's family

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A/N - Happy Mami day! 🖤💜
Myra woke up that next day still jetlagged seeing Dominik who was already awake and downstairs she could hear him he wasn't a quiet man she smiled getting dressed heading downstairs seeing her mom making pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits when Myra came down she hugged and kissed Dominik " how's your back feeling " she asked him " it's alright " he said to her smiling softly as her mom smiled " good morning beautiful was the sleep okay? " Her mother asked Myra and Dominik they both nodded agreement Myra got up and got some coffee as she hugged her mom " happy mothers day mom " she said to her happily " thank you baby " she said to Myra before finishing up breakfast and dishing it out as Myra ate she smiled softly there was a knock at the door " I'll get it " she said getting up and walking to the door opening it her heart sunk it was her ex the flashbacks she backed away " who is it honey! " she called from the kitchen " it's no one! " Myra called out shutting the door before running upstairs curling into a ball gasping for air Maeve was worried as Dominik got up going to her seeing the state she was in " honey! What's wrong! " he said worriedly she wasn't taking she hitting scratching herself everything as Dominik called for Amy, ray, and Maeve they darted upstairs and saw their daughter in such state " baby was he at the door " she asked cautioned Myra nodded fast as her dad Ray got his pistol out walking downstairs opening the door sickening enough he was still there smirking " oh heyyyy ray wassup " her dad pointed his pistol at his chest " leave you are never welcomed back to this family go now! " his dad threatened him clearly angry " but cmonnn why she's obviously missed me " Dominik came downstairs and shoved this guy hard " man leave right now I'll protect my woman at any cost you do not know who you are fucking with " he said through his teeth the man just laughed pushing back as Dom picked him up and threw him on the ground throwing punches that connects he winced his back was still in recovery from what happened before ray pulled him away and shut the door Myra was calmed down as she leaned against her mom as Maeve rubbed her back and moonlily rubbed against her Myra sighed " of course he would do this try and come back in my life to mess me up again " Dominik and Ray came upstairs as Dominik smiled sitting down luckily the pain was gone and not severed Ray " good work Dom nice moves " he said smiling Myra looked at dom " baby your not suppose to do any of that " she frowned at him Dominik " I don't care im not gonna have my girlfriend scared of some lousy boy " he said crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at her a bit annoyed

A little while later Myra and Dominik decided to go our for a little while and see everything even tho there wasn't much to offer around her hometown they drove for a bit " sorry there isn't much for me offer here Kentucky is boring " she laughed listening to music " You are fine honey I don't mind " he placed her hand on her thigh she checked her phone nothing when she got to the park she got out putting sunscreen on then helped dom out of the car before locking it then walking on the trail the park had to offer Dominik held her hand as they walked Myra couldn't shake the thought she was being watched she checked her surroundings she didn't see anyone but then an unknown number started sending her pictures calling texting whatever this person could do to freak her out which worked she started to become anxious her legs and arm felt like noodles she looked over at dom who had taken a noitce to her behavior " someone is following us it's my ex it has to be him! " she cried desperately " alright cmon let's go then let's call the police on him " Dominik said to her walking back to the car keeping an eye out for her ex he must have been hiding somewhere when they got in the car Dominik drove straight to the police station he was furious when they got there dom took myras phone heading inside and explaining to the lady what was happening he didn't realize he'd left it unlocked...


Her ex had gotten in the car grabbed Myra locking the car and threw her in the backseat undoing her pants and his and having his way she was fighting him but it was no use he was stronger then her when he was finished he unlocked the car drove away immediately smirking to himself Myra was having a panic attack she was bleeding semen was in and on her underwear ripping at her skin crying hysterically when Dominik came back he saw Myra wasn't in the passenger seat then heard her cries opening the door seeing the sight that filled him broke him screaming for an officer the officer came out and saw the situation telling him to go get a kit done and they'll have a warrant out for him; Dominik did exactly that Myra had the kit done she hasn't stopped shaking and crying holding onto him the whole time when they got home Myra was brought upstairs and laid down she slowly fell asleep the memories flashing in her head when Dominik came downstairs he looked broken, destroyed Amy came up to him and hugged him " don't worry we will make the sorry bastard pay for what he did to my little girl " her mother fought back tears trying not to cry.

It had been a couple weeks since the incident still no sign nor was that number ceasing Myra had been feeling sick over the past week constantly vomiting food aversion fatigue and such she decided one day to go get a pregnancy test incase she was thinking thst was it when she bought one she went to the bathroom peeing on the stick and waiting for the results when the test came back her heart broke she was pregnant with her rapist baby she took the test home sulking before sitting everyone down and showed them she cried hard Amy, Ray, Maeve and Dominik hugged her tightly " it's okay we are gonna support you honey " Dominik said holding her stomach before he called judgement day all excitedly when they answered " what? " Damian asked confused Finn and Rhea waited " me and Myra are expecting a baby " he said excitedly " oh my gosh congratulations man! " Damian and Finn said but Rhea left not bothering to say anything luckily he didn't noitce she did " I knowwww ahhhh I'm a first timer I'm so nervous " he said into the phone as Amy looked at Myra and could tell something was bothering leading her into the other room " everything okay sweetie? " she asked worriedly " I don't know how to be a mom I never even wanted kids let alone from my ex I'm just hoping it doesn't cone out like him " she hoped she looked at her who kissed her head " we will help baby I promise "
A/n - oooh drama with myras shitty ex along with jealously from Rhea

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