Saudi Arabia

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Myra, Aria, James, Dominik, and everyone who was in Night of Champions arrived in Saudi Arabia Rhea was strictly watched since she had a heart monitor but she was still fighting with Nataliya no matter what her condition was they went to a fair that night everyone was having even the kids loved the food, roller coasters, ETC while also supporting Judgement day a lot of pictures were taken with and without fans, while Myra, James, Aria, and Rhea were walking Rhea had to sit down she checked her heart it was beating rapidly " you okay Rhea? " Myra asked worriedly looking at her Rhea held her chest and nodded " yeah just pushing myself to far I really hope my heart doesn't give out when I'm fighting her because I would cry I am the most FEARED woman in WWE I cannot let some plastic bitch beat me all because my heart acts up " Rhea sighed to her as Myra hugged her tightly before Aria and James pulled their mom to a game they wanted play as Rhea stood up she smiled happily Aria and James were racing each other Myra giggled and took a video of them as Dominik jogged up to them showing everything he got he was a child at heart Myra giggled softly and kissed his lips as Damian hugged Rhea from behind whispering " you doing alright baby? " he asked, looking at her as Rhea nodded." Yeah, I am " he smiled nodding before walking away with Dominik as Rhea sighed watching James and Aria still play the game " hey uh Myra I'm gonna go and eat some food wanna join? " she asked Myra who looked over at kids before shaking her head Rhea left alone sighing as she ordered some food she sat down picking at her skin as Damian came up to her and took her hands away " You okay my love " he asked as Rhea looked up at him nodded " yeah yeah I'm okay just really hating this monitor " she laughed lying through her teeth as her heart picked up on the wave change Damian looked at her " baby your heart rate change your lying to me " he said sighing Rhea pouted leaning into him and crying " im scared to wrestle again I don't wanna have another heart attack like I did during the match with LWO " she said as Damian was calming her down " I know babe but keep your hopes up " he kissed her head he walked away as the man brought out Rhea's food she ate trying not to cry wiping her eyes taking a deep breath before throwing her stuff heading to the meet and great with fans she put a smile on her face and took plenty of pictures with fans trying her best hide the heart monitor in photos she giggled and laughed looking around for the others as she felt her chest tightened grabbing onto LA Knight he immediately notified Damian before sitting down with her " easy Rhea don't work yourself up you got this " he said softly as Rhea nodded taking deep breath as she looked around for Damian who showed immediately and pulled her close looking at her checking up on her.

It was time to head back to the hotel for the night as Myra and Dominik and the kids headed back and Damian and Rhea headed back to theirs; Myra headed inside smiling "You all have fun " she said as they nodded happily running to their rooms she looked at Dominik hugging him " that was amazing " she said to him softly walking to the bathroom getting undressed waiting for Dominik to join her in the bathroom turning on the shower as Dominik entered getting in and helping her bathe once they got out they laid down in the hotel bed and things heated up between Dom and Myra unfortunately Damian and Rhea were next to them so they heard every single moan and groan from them Rhea sighed " Jesus christ they've been going at it for hours " she said covering her ears as Damian pulled her close " then maybe we should too " he suggested to her as Rhea was stunned but nodded in agreement.

That next morning Myra got up for the press conference got dressed as she woke Dominik up for it then got her kids ready before leaving the hotel room Damian and Rhea got up dressing fast as she checked her heart monitor her heart was skyrocketed she sighed trying to calm down as she went to the breakfast area grabbing her food as she held her heart wincing as Damian came behind her whispering " you okay baby " he asked as Rhea nodded " yeah I'm alright just gonna eat " she sat down picking at her food as Damian waited for her noticing she was picking at her food he sighs pulling her away and bringing her to conference with everyone else that was involved with Night of champions Myra was trash talking her opponent Rhea was held her chest before walking on stage talking to her opponent as she looked at her monitor trying to ease her blood pressure Triple H walked over whispering " you okay Rhea " he asked softly Rhea nodded as Damian looked at her everyone looked at Rhea as her heart rushed she winced grabbing onto triple h she swiftly taken away from area and out of the public's eyes they were trying to get her pressure to calm down as Damian kissed her lips she calmed immediately Damian rubbed her shoulder as Rhea felt sick throwing up Triple H walked away; Damian picked up Rhea " cmon let's get you back to the hotel " he said gently and walked back to the hotel getting her into bed and turning the TV on before letting Rhea rest up for the match between her and Natalia...

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