The pregnancy

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Dominik and Myra had flown back along with her family to their home Myra was in a lot of pain her bone was split in two she needed a chiropractor constantly she wasn't eating anything down except like water and crackers she was tired from not sleeping and puking constantly she groaned dreading the next morning rubbing her eyes going to the bathroom and throwing up again she couldn't help but cry she hated being pregnant she didn't like it, it was changing her body in ways she couldn't even think of she put on some underwear and shorts then a long t-shirt that showed her belly quite a bit walking out into the kitchen as her mom was preparing food she sat down as her mom turned to her " hey baby you sleep alright? " she asked her planting a kiss on her head Myra shook her head no " this fucking baby constantly is moving while I am sleeping I hate being pregnant " she said to her " how did you do being pregnant twice " she asked holding her stomach Amy " willpower and your fathers help he was amazing during both even when you were the difficult one " Her mom laughed sitting down next to her smiling " don't worry we are here helping you aslo you have a maternity shoot today " Amy said turning off the stove and getting food settled on the table as Myra shot up " oh shit I forgot! I had no idea! " she said " what should I wear none of my clothes fit me anymore! " Maeve walked out " don't worry they have stuff there for you everything was booked in advance " Maeve answered placing her hands on Myra's belly as the baby moved a little " the baby is moving " she giggled gently Myra nodded " yeah I know I feel it has Dominik not gotten up yet Jesus christ " she said going to get him " Dom! Dom get up! " she said gently as Dominik sat up rubbing seeing her belly he lifted her shirt and kissed it looking up at her " I can't wait to see our baby " he said gently Myra sighed as she smiled holding his head before wincing as she sat down there was a knock at the door she got up walking to the front door seeing Judgement day smiling gently " hey guys " she said weakly moving away calling for dom as Dominik came out he hugged them " hey guys what are you doing here? " he asked Damian " to see how Myra's doing " He said gently looking at Myra who sat down on a ball leaning on her mom who was rubbing her hips " she's not doing so good this pregnancy has taken a toll on her her pelvic bone is spilt in two " he said going over to her and helping " is this helping baby if not do you wanna sit in the hot tub for a bit " he asked her Myra took a deep breath " hot tub please this ball is making it worse " she said to him he nodded helping her up and taking her to the bedroom Damian smiled " aw so cute dom being a good daddy " he said to Finn but Rhea was quiet she seemed jealous looking at her phone once Myra was changed Dominik helped her to the hot tub calling over the others sit out on the deck with them as Myra was relaxing with Dominik, Dominik looked over at them smiling " she'll be out for a bit until she's healed we've already told Triple H I'll be out too to help her " Rhea shot up quickly " but what about Judgement day our showmance what are people gonna say when it's not us two out there kicking ass " Rhea asked glaring at him then at Myra who was holding her stomach " everything will be fine you've got this " Rhea stomped her foot and left the house Dominik was confused as Finn and Damian pulled him aside " she's jealous of Myra because she is pregnant with your baby she has you now that's why she's being cold to her " they said looking down as Dom " oh maybe she shouldn't of been sleeping with yall then maybe I would care " he said to them getting back into the hot tub comforting Myra who was groaning in pain " God everything hurts " she said to him as Dominik kissed her head " I know baby I know " he said trying to calm her down.

The next several months had flown by with mostly Myra being bedridden due to the extreme pain she was in that night Myra had woken up in a lot pain shaking Dominik " dom dom! " she screamed sitting up as he looked at her " what baby is the baby coming? " he asked frantically she nodded he picked her up yelling to the others and ran to the car setting her inside and started to drive her mom and sister were trying to calm her down but it wasn't working when they got there Dominik ran in " help! My girlfriend is having her baby " he said nurses came out rushing her upstairs and into Labor and Delivery followed by everyone else when they there she was laid down no time to hook up monitors she was already 10cm she needed to push which she did grabbing onto Dominik hand the baby's heart rate dropped quickly she was pushing and tearing and bleeding the nurses rushed baby the baby while Myra passed the docotrs trying to stop the bleeding and stitch up when they finally managed too everything was well the baby was okay they checked for heart conditions and everything the baby was okay the nurse came back with her baby it was a boy Dominik smiled and luckily it looked like him and Myra combined so no resemblance of ex Myra smiled holding him on her skin " hey honey " she said crying and kissed his head, Maeve " what's his name Myra " she asked quietly she hadn't thought about it " his name will be James Lee Mysterio " she said as the nurse handed them certification and got everything settled

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