
3.1K 51 12

age: 14
setting: rhode island


"Ok class, today I will be giving you your final report cards for the year." My form teacher said.

"As lomg as you're inside the school gates, you must not open the envelope as they are addressed to your parents or guardians." She started walking around the classroom handing out the envelopes to everyone. Some kids had already started lifting them up towards the light to see if they could make out any letters on the report.

She gave me mine and I quickly put it in my backpack. I didn't really want to think about it. I'd been slacking off in a few lessons recently, and was nervous is that had affected my overall grade.

At lunchtime, I went sat at my friend group's table in the cafeteria. I always sit mext to my best friend, Valerie.

"So y/n, what did your report say?" she asked

"I don't know," I responded "I haven't actually opened it up yet."

"Pussy" She joked. We both laughed at her comment and started eating.

"What did yours say?" I asked her

"Well, I'm failing geography, but I got a B in English literature"

"Ayy well done girl!" I gave ber a high five. She usually gets a D in English Literature, so she improved quite a bit.

"What are you expecting for yours?" She asked whilst eating a forkfull of pasta.

"I think I'll probably be fine in both of the English subjects, and maybe history. I don't know about any of of the others." I said.

"You'll probably get straight A's, you're like, the smartest person I know"

I chuckled at her comment.

A few hours later, school had ended, and I was walking to my mom's car which was parked in the school parking lot.

"Hey baby!" she said smiling at me

"Hey mom" I replied, returning the smile.

"How was your day?"

"Good, good. But I had P.E and had to run the track a few times. Anyway, how was your day at the studio?" I asked

"Great! Lana, Pheobe and Jack were all there"

"Are you guys gonna bave one big collab?!" I questioned excitingly.

"That's not quite what we're working on right now hun"

We had a talk on the drive home about my mom's day at the studio. I always found it interesting.

It was a few hours later, and I was in my bedroom playing Minecraft with Valerie. And no, we aren't any of those cringy mindcraft finatics.

"So, what did your mom say about your report?" I heard Valerie talking to me over the mic.

"Not gonna lie, I still haven't told her yet. I figured that if I just don't open it, nothing bad can happen. Neither of us will be disappointed. It's a win win situation" I said.

"You do know the school has sent an email to all the parents, asking to check their kids report, right?"

Just then I hear my mom call me from downstairs.

"Shit, Vee, I gotta go, my mom's just called me"

"No worries girl" She said.

I took my headphones off and walked downstairs. I was so nervous, but I decided to try not to not show it.

"Yes mom?" I said one i reached where she was. She was sat on the sofa in the lounge on her phone.

"I just got this email from the school about your report card." She looked at me whilst saying this.

My eyes widened fakely

"Whaatttt??!! Report card?? This is the first I'm hearing of this!" I said, trying to act shocked.

"Yeah yeah, could you get it from your bag?"

I sighed and brought my bag to the couch and got out the envelope. We sat next to each other and opened it up.

It read:


P.E: D

"Well done love!" she smiled as she read it out. But I frowned instead.

"How does one even fail art class?" I asked myself out loud. I was quite proud of myself with history and music, and I always get good marks for english, but it came as a shock to me that I failed art. I thought art class was all about interpretations rather than accuracy. Oh well.

"You may not be that happy, but I am so proud of you. Four A+'s, thats crazy!" She went in to hug me but I didn't really hug back. She frowned slightly.

"Y/n, to get a few grades you weren't hoping for really isn't the end kf the world. I know it might feel a bit annoying right now, but you are still have time to improve. As long as you stick your head down and study, you'll get the grades you want. You need to work to achieve." She said.

"Thanks mom" I gave her a hug this time. It did make me feel a bit better. I could definitely improve in maths and physics, and maybe art.

As a celebration, my mom ordered indian takeout and we sat and watched gilnore girls together for the rest of the evening. I'm so lucky to have a mom like her.


hey guys! i hope y'all enjoyed that. if you did please vote for this chapter and save this book. also, if you have any requests, just pop them in the comments.

this chapter was set in usa, but im from england so i dont rreally know how the school system works there, so please don't judge💀

luv ya<3

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