first day

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requested by nwmoons

age: 5
setting: london


Y/n stood nervously outside the school gates, clutching her mom's hand tightly. Today was the day she would start school for the first time ever. Looking up at her mom, she couldn't help but want to stay by her side.

But Taylor, being the supportive and loving mother she was, crouched down to Y/n's level and gently wiped away her tears. "Hey, sweetie," she said with a warm smile, "I know this is a big step for you, but I promise you'll have a good day. I'll be right here waiting for you when school ends, okay?"

Y/N sniffled, clinging onto her mum a little tighter. "But I don't want to leave you, Mum. What if nobody likes me?"

Taylor's gaze softened, her heart breaking for her anxious little one. She hugged Y/N tightly and spoke in a soothing voice, "Oh sweetheart, those are normal worries to have. But remember, today is all about new beginnings. You're going to make friends, learn exciting things, and have an incredible time. And don't worry, the teachers will be there for you and help you find your way."

Y/n looked at her mum, tears streaming down her face. "But what if I miss you too much?"

Taylor held her daughters face and wiped the tears aways, and whispered, "You'll be having too much fun, I won't even cross your mind. And you can tell me all about it when the day is over. I'll be waiting for you right here, okay?"

"Okay mum." Y/n nodded.

Feeling a little reassured, Y/n hugged her mum tightly one last time. With a deep breath, she took her mother's advice to heart and found the courage to let go of her hand. As she stepped into the school, she wiped away the residual tears and held her chin up.

Just as she was about to walk in, she turned around and ran back to her mother, giving her one more hug.

"Oh honey," Taylor crouched down to hug Y/n, whilst her eyes began to water.

"I love you, mumma" Y/n said.

"I love you too Y/n/n," She patted her head and then rubbed her back. "Now go on, sweetie, you don't want to be late."

Y/n ran up to the main entrance, turning back round yet again to give her mum a big wave and blew a kiss.

Taylor laughed at her daughter, her eyes brimmed with tears, and caught the kiss, putting it in her pocket.

As Taylor watched Y/n vanish through the school doors, she couldn't help but feel that familiar mix of pride and worry that all parents go through. She whispered a silent prayer for her daughter's day to be filled with happiness and made a mental note to call the school later to ensure everything was going well.

Inside the school, Y/n walked hesitantly to her classroom, where a kind teacher welcomed her with a warm smile. The other kids were friendly too, introducing themselves and making Y/n feel like she belonged. As the day progressed, her fears gradually faded away, replaced by a new excitement for the adventure that awaited her.

At the end of the day, Y/n practically skipped out of the school gates, her face lit up with joy. Taylor was waiting for her just as promised, a proud smile on her face. As they embraced, Y/n couldn't wait to share every little detail about her day.

"Mum," Y/N exclaimed, "You were right! I had an amazing day! I made two friends!"

Taylor's heart swelled with happiness, listening to her little one's animated recounting of the day.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart!"

"Yeah! And I even got to draw a picture of our family!"

Y/n opened her bag and got out a crinkled piece of paper. It had two stick figures on it, clearly drawn with crayons. There was a tall lady, with a label underneath that said Mummy, who was holding hands with a little girl, called Y/n. There was a small house on a hill beside them, and three cats that were very inproportional to the rest of the picture. Those cats were obviously labeled Mere, Dibbles, Benji. All of the colours and the messy hand writing made the picture even cuter.

"Awww, Y/n! This looks so good! Is this us?" Taylor pointed at the stick figures, knowing it was them, but just wanting to hear Y/n explain.

"Yep! That's you with your guitar and a princess crown, because you're a princess, and there's me! And there's Mere and Dibbles and Benji! And that's our house!" Y/n pointed excitedly whilst she talked, explaining every little detail.

"You're so adorable, Y/n! I love this picture so much! I want to frame it when we get home."


"Of course! I'm so proud of you, honey!" Taylor crouched down to Y/n's level again and gave her a big hug.

They both got in the car, and Y/n informed her mum on everything that happened at school, including a very detailed retelling of a conversation she had had with a new friend. Seriously, Taylor couldn't understand how Y/n could remember so much.

Once they got home, Taylor did in fact frame the drawing and hung it up on the wall by the front door so that everyone who stepped foot in the house could see the adorable picture.



heyyyyy! that one was pretty short again 😩🤚 but i hope you guys enjoyed it!

i go back to school tomorrow, so i might only be able to post on the weekends. who knows tho, my teachers might go easy this year and not overwhelm an entire year group with all the homework 🤠

gotta love them for that🤪🤪😍😍😘😘😘

AND i got my schedule and I only have PE with my best friend. im literally all alone in all of my subjects, which is awesome! 🤠 cant wait😔

okie dokie

if you have any requests, feel free to dm me! and if you're going through anything right now, remember that my dm's are always open <3333

i love you


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