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age: 15
setting: new york

dont hate me for this one.

AND for the sake of this chapter, let's pretend travis kelce has an apartment in nyc🤪

i also barely know anything about this man, so if there are any travis mega fans, please don't get mad if my writing doesn't match his personality 😭🤚


"Do I have to talk to him?" Y/n groaned, leaning back against the headrest of the car.

"Yes, Y/n. He wants to get to know you." Taylor replied, putting her phone down. She was sat next to Y/n, slightly turned so she could talk to her.

"Well what if I don't want him to know me?"

"At least he's making an effort."

"Yeah, unlike Ratty." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Exactly," Taylor scoffed at the memory of that man. "Give him a shot, alright? For me?"

Y/n didn't respond, but just looked down and fumbled with her fingers.

"He's a good man." Taylor sighed. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on her daughter's knee. "Look, I know I've had my share of heartbreak, but Travis is different. He treats me with the utmost respect and he's kind and sweet and funny, and I- I really like him."

Y/n chewed on her bottom lip, contemplating her mother's words. She had noticed the changes in Taylor's demeanor since she started dating Travis. She'd been happier, and even had a glow.

"Fine, Mum," Y/n finally relented. "But don't expect me to be eager about it. He has to earn my approval. "

Taylor beamed, "Thank you, Y/n/n. Just take your time. I want you to feel comfortable, and I am sure Travis will understand too."

"I'm not calling him Dad though." Y/n mumbled, barely above a whisper, looking out the window to her side.

"Y/n, I never asked you to call him Dad." Her mother replied sternly. "Of course I don't expect you to."

"Just putting it out there." Y/n lifted her hands in surrender and shook her head.

The two of them were in the car getting driven to Travis's place from the recording studio. Taylor had decided to bring her daughter along to the studio since she had been asking for a while, and also because she knew how much Y/n really didn't want to meet Travis. Taylor had hoped that the day would move faster for Y/n if she was having fun, and therefore wouldn't whine the whole day about meeting him.

Y/n would never complain too much about meeting Taylor's new lovers in the past, but this time it was different.

Y/n thought that Joe and her mother were soulmates. She was sure that they'd still be together in the end, never letting go of each other's hands. And so when the two broke up, it took a toll on her. Joe had become a father-figure in the household, and now he had gone.

She stopped being such a believer in true love. And she stopped wanting to believe.

After a few more minutes of traffic and turns, they finally arrived at Travis's apartment. Security opened the car door and walked them into the elevator.

"Y/n." Taylor warned, looking at her daughter through the mirror inside the elevator.

"What?" She murmured back.

"Stop sulking."

"I'm not sulking." Y/n huffed, crossing her arms.


to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now