tea party

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REQUESTED BY brielarsonslover

age: 4
setting: london


Third person POV:

It was a normal wednesday, and Taylor and y/n were at home. Taylor was in her office writing emails and what not, all of the boring work stuff she had to do, whilst y/n was in the play room, bored out of her mind.

She was sat on her princess chair, and was looking around the room, in hopes to find an idea of what to do.

Suddenly, an idea struck. "A tea party!" she thought to herself. She jumped out of her chair and immediately started to set it up.

It was a pink plastic tea party that used to be her moms when she was her age. She layed it out on a small table and set out some chairs. She let some of her favorite stuffed animals sit on the small chairs aswell. Then, there were two seats left over, one for Taylor, one for y/n.

Y/n looked at her party set and did a nod of approval to herself. Then, she went digging in her dress up box to find a good enough outfit. She settled on a pink tutu with a plastic tiara and some purple fairy wings. However, she didn't have a mirror, or a real sense of fashion, and so she didn't think to wonder if the colours matched her bright orange t-shirt she was currently wearing. Y/n put on some blue, plastic, princess high heels, which matched perfectly with her rainbow tights.

Y/n ran out of the room and into her mom's office.

"Mommy!" She squealed whilst running up to her.

"Why hello there sweetie!" Taylor said as she picked y/n up and plopped her on her lap. "Well don't you just look adorable! I love your outfit!"

"Thank you for saying that Momma!" Y/n responded "Mommy?" she asked.

"Yes baby?"

"D-Do you wanna come to play room for tea party?" She asked innocently.

"Aw sweetie that sounds awesome, but I really have to finish my work right now. And Mommy has an important meeting in a bit. Why don't you go set it up and I can join you later?" Taylor said with a frown.

"But momma I already have it set up! Please come!" Y/n gave her mom the puppy dog eyes as her eyes started to water.

Taylor couldn't resist those eyes, and eventually caved in. "Okay love, but only for a bit." With a sigh, she turned her laptop off. She got up off of her chair, still holding Y/n in her arms, and walked over to the play room.

"Wait wait wait!" Y/n called out and waved her arms. Taylor looked at her confused. "You can't go to the party dressed like that." Y/n judged.

Taylor laughed and set Y/n down. Y/n rummaged through the dress up box again and found a sparkley, purple tutu with a matching tiara. She gave it to Taylor and smiled in approval.

"Do I look fit for a party now?" Taylor asked after putting on the apparel.

"Perfect!" Y/n squealed. She then opened the door to show her mom the little set up she had made.

"Wow! This looks fancy!" Taylor commented. "Where should I sit Y/n/n?"

"Righhhhhhht here, next to Mrs Beetroot," Y/n said, pointing at a beetroot plush with a top hat "And by the way, my name is princess y/n"

"My apologies Princess" Taylor pulled the tiny chair out and sat next to the plush. The chair and table were so small, her knees were right up by her chest.

Y/n pulled out her chair and sat opposite Taylor, next to a bear plush, and an American girl doll. She then lifted the fake tea pot from the table and served each dolly imaginary tea.

"Why thank you, Princess Y/n" Taylor said and pretended to sip her tea out of her tiny tea cup.

"Ok!" Y/n said with a smile. "Would you like some biscuits?"

"Yes please"

Y/n put fake Custard Creams on all the plates.

"Oh, I don't really like these ones." Taylor said with a playful frown.

Y/n looked at her with one eyebrow raised above the other. Taylor always found it hilarious when she did this, but Y/n never really realized.

"You don't have to eat them Mommy. You do know that..." She then leaned forward and placed her hand by the side of her mouth, and whispered, "They aren't real, right?"

Taylor scrunched her face up a smiled. She thought it was so adorable.

"Of course" She said, tilter her head slightly.

They then continued pretending to eat their fake biscuits and cakes, and drink their imaginary tea.

After about 25 minutes, Taylor got a message and looked at her phone. Someone from work was asking why she wasn't answering her phone. Taylor then looked at the time and her eyes widened.

"Shit." She very quietly mumbled to herself.

"Huh?" Y/n's head perked up after only hearing the slight mumble.

"I just said poop" Taylor said quickly. "Y/n, I gotta go back and work"

"Nooo" Y/n whined "But we were just getting to hear about Mrs Beetroot's farm!"

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry sweetie, but I should be in a meeting right now, and people are wondering where I am." Taylor got up from her chair and went round to Y/n's seat and gave her a kiss on the head and a quick hug. She then walked back to her office and joined the call.

"Hey Taylor!" Someone said on the other line.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I was with my daughter."

Taylor had left Y/n in the play room, sat on her little chair with the plushies. Y/n was upset, and even let a few tears slip, before getting up and heading over to the living room.

She dramatically plumped herself down on the big couch, and stared at the tv.

"Alexa, play the movie where my mom is singing on stage on the netflix." Y/n called out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that." Alexa repeated back.

"Alexa! Play when my mom sings reputation in a stadium on Netflix." She tried again.

"Did you mean Reputation Stadium Tour Taylor Swift on Netflix?" Alexa finally understood.

"Yes!" Y/n called out, feeling a bit more accomplished.

The tv started to play the movie and Y/n got up and started to dance and sing. No matter what upset here, this movie would always cheer her up, even if Taylor upset her.

After Taylor's call, she went into the living room and saw Y/n dancing to King of My Heart.

Taylor decided to join her. After the song finished, Taylor said, "I'm sorry I had to leave the party Y/n, would you like to go back? I even kept my outfit on. And I would really like to hear about the rest of Mrs Beetroot's day!"

Y/n smiled and and gave her mom a hug. They both spent another half an hour in the playroom, before deciding that they were hungry for actual food, so Taylor and Y/n made real cookies together.



aaaaaaaaaaaa hope you lot enjoyed that! i might start doing a few more young y/n pov's. i still have loads of older y/n ideas tho so dw if you aren't a big fan of them.

if you have any requests feel free to dm me or put them in the comments. if you liked this chapter than voting for it would help a ton, and if you want more then just save the book! i promise i have more chapters that i will release, dw.

luv ya <3333

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