never grow up

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requested by Soph3393

age: 16
setting: rhode island

btw picture at the top is real footage of me whenever never grows up plays


It's finally summer break, which means no school and no stress. I get to spend the whole break laying in the sun and chilling with my mom. This past school year has been pretty hard on both of us. My mom had been doing lots of recording and press work, and so we haven't been able to spend alot of time together.

My mom's dedicating this summer to hanging out with me, which I really appreciate. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to spend time with family

We we currently in the living room, both sat on the sofa with our guitars. One of our favorite things to do is play songs together. We've even written a few, but would never release them.

We were playing the whole album of speak now, since the re release is almost out. We had just finished playing Sparks Fly.

"Okay Y/n, what one do you wanna play next?" Mom asked

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while," I replied "Could you teach me how to play Never Grow Up? It's my favorite song."

"Sure!" She said with a smile. "Hold on, let me just remember the chords." She started to fiddle around with the guitar, trying to find the right pattern.

"Okay," she said "You're gonna want to play a C , C/B, Am, G then F and G"

After a while of mom teaching me the chord progressions, I finally got a hang of it.

I started to play the song, but as I got to the second verse, I looked up at my mom and realised she had stopped playing and was crying. But not tears of sadness, more like tears of admiration and pride.

I decided to stop playing and give her a hug. We sat in the hug for a minute, the only noise being my mom sniffing from crying.

"I'm sorry love, you didn't have to stop playing." She said whilst stroking my hair.

"It's alright mom. Why were you crying?" Mom had never really talked about this song. She says she gets too emotional to talk about it or play it live.

"I just-" She pauses to mentally find the right words to continue "I just think that you're growing up so fast that sometimes I wish I could just sort of, freeze time in a way. Like, I wish everything could just stay as it is now. I mean, I wrote this song when you were just a toddler, and now you're already sixteen. It felt like you graduated pre school yesterday, and now you're almost graduating high school. And I was only eighteen when I was blessed with you. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but somehow, we both got to where we are today. In a way, it's kind of like we both grew up together. I was learning how to make it in the pop industry, whilst you were learning your five time tables. I actually wrote the song when I was tucking you into bed one night, and you just refused to sleep if I wasn't right there, holding your hand. And now you don't need to hold my hand anymore. Now you're independent. You make your own choices now. You fought all of those monsters in your head over the years, and I'm so so so proud of you for that."

After my mom's speech, I burst out crying. "I love you Mom" I said and gave her another hug.

"I love you too sweetheart."

I then continued playing Never Grow Up whilst my mom sung the lyrics. She also sung another verse that she had decided not to record when she first released the song. She said that no body other than us would need to hear the verse, as it was only addressed to me. Let's just say that the secret verse caused tears of nostalgia amd joy to flow out.

We spent the rest of the day talking about the meaning behind some of her other songs like Long Live and Mine.



hey guysss! this one was kinda short compared to my other chapters, but thats okay.

this was a request chapter! if you have a request, you can message me or put it in the comments or something.

i have a bit of a list of other requests i still need to write lmao. if you've sent a request and i haven't published it yet, dw, bc i will soon i promise 🤪

ive been kinda going through something right now mentally, and so thats why i haven't been as constant with my writing recently.

i really hope y'all enjoyed though, and if you did, please vote fkr thid chapter. we are almost at 5k reads which is fucking incredible for me. AND we are almost at 200 votes on this story as a whole😱😱

just want to say a huge thank you for everyone who has ever voted or commented on this book, or requested a chapter or even just saved this book.

i fucking love all of you lot so much <3333

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