don't blame me

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requested by the amazing halsmaximoff

age: 15
setting: rhode island


It was an ordinary afternoon in the Swift household. Y/n was reading her favorite book in her room, while her parents chatted in the kitchen. Meanwhile, the twins, Indi and Theo, reveled in the freedom of their playtime.

Their tiny feet pitter-pattered across the hardwood floor as they ventured into the living room, eyes instantly drawn to the large television perched on the wall. The screen, displaying vibrant colors and captivating moving images, held an irresistible allure for the curious duo.

Little Theo, his tiny hands graced with determination, found himself tugging at the cords that connected the TV to the wall. A thrill ran through his curious being as he realized the cords were no longer keeping the TV up. Not really understanding the consequences of their actions, Indi joined in on the unplanned adventure, giggling and pulling on the cables with all their diminutive might.

With a sudden crash, the television crashed to the ground, a display of shattered glass and fragmented pieces.

The room fell into disbelief, only to be interrupted by Y/n, instinctively rushing in from her room at the commotion.

Wide-eyed, Y/n surveyed the devastation before her, quickly realizing the weight of the situation. She knew all too well that she would be held accountable by her parents, who had entrusted her to watch over her younger siblings.

"Guys, what happened?!" Y/n asked the twins in disbelief.

"W-we didn't do anything" Theo replied, backing away with his little arms up in defense.

"Of course you did, the TV's on the floor!" Y/n whisper-shouted, knowing well that she was dead meat if her mum saw.

"It just fell." Indi tried to convince her.

Just as she tried to gather her wits to explain what had truly transpired, Taylor and Joe returned to find Y/n in the chaos, their faces mixed with shock and disappointment. Their eyes gravitated towards the collateral damage, focusing solely on Y/n as the supposed perpetrator.

"What the hell happened here?!" Joe shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. "This was a new TV!"

"Y/n, how could you be so careless? We leave you in charge for a few moments, and this is what happens?" Taylor's voice was tinged with a blend of anger and disappointment.

"It wasn't me!"

Joe joined in again, his tone somber. "You should have been paying attention, Y/N. We trusted you to take care of Indigo and Theo."

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she attempted to explain, "But Mum, Joe, it was Indi and Theo. They were the ones who broke the TV. I swear, I was in my room when it happened."

Her words, laden with desperation and sincerity, struggled to find a receptive ear amidst her parents' initial reaction. They were overwhelmed with disappointment, unable to accept that their responsible eldest child could be innocent in this situation.

"Y/n, you can't get away with blaming the twins again, not this time." Taylor sounded fed up

"Why do you assume I did it? I mean, look at the mess," Y/n said in a duh-tone "It was clearly deliberate, why would I break all the cables on purpose?"

"Don't back-chat us, Y/n." Taylor warned, pointing her finger and raising her eyebrows. Y/n's eyes widened in shock and looked at Joe, silently saying are you hearing this right now?

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