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requested by ASTEZ1989

age: 15
setting: rhode island

i went a little bit off the track with this one but i hope y'all enjoy 🤪 genuinely had no clue where this was going

ALSO i was struggling so hard to pick a name for this chapter and just picked a random word from the chapter and thought, hey! it's like tolerate it, so uh, yeah💀


Y/n watched from the sidelines whilst chaos unfolded in front of her. Taylor strummed her guitar in the living room, the twins, Theo and Indigo, were having the time of their life, their little giggles echoing through the halls. Meanwhile, Joe, Y/n's stepfather, seemed to be in his own little world, unaware of the toddler tornado occurring around him.

Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being the odd one out, a pawn in their game of cuteness. It was like Joe was more invested in being the "fun dad" with the twins, while Y/n was left to navigate her teenage years with minimal support from him.

She needed to get this off her chest, but she didn't want to disturb her mother's song-writing, and so decided to call her dad.

Y/n's dad was Taylor Lautner, and because he lived in LA with the other Taylor Lautner, she didn't get to see him all that often. Obviously they called almost every day, but she always felt jealous seeing her siblings getting to spend so much quality time with both their parents.

She walked up to her bedroom, wanting to have a bit of privacy. Y/n got out her phone and started calling her dad, putting the device up to her ear and leaning against the wall.

"Hey Y/n! How you doin'?" Lautner's voice blared out from the phone speaker.

"Hi Dad." Y/n said monotonously.

"Is everything okay, kid?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess," She started, struggling to find the words. "Like, I'm not in danger or anything, everything is fine, I just..."

Everything went silent until Lautner started to speak again. "Y/n? What's going on?"

Y/n sighed, only just realizing that talking to her dad about what her step-dad is doing wrong probably wasn't the best idea.

"Sorry, yeah I'm here. I just wanted to call to see how you are?" She lied, using her palm to slap her forehead at her stupid excuse.

"I was alright, now I'm just confused..."

She let out a laugh. "Dad, can I call you back later?"

"Sure thing, kiddo! We miss you over here. And I think the dogs miss you aswell, they keep barking at the pictures of you around the house."

"I miss you too, Dad. Love you!"

"Love you too, Y/n/n."

She hung up the call and let out a groan of frustration. She was left with one last resort, confronting Joe. This would either work perfectly, or go down in flames.

She found him in the backyard, arms full of toys, attempting to entertain the unruly duo.

"Hey, Joe, mind if we talk?" Y/n called out, a mix of irritation and determination etched on her face. She really didn't want to talk to him.

Joe turned, a weary smile plastered on his face. "Sure, Y/n. What's up? Need a babysitter?"

Y/N rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Very funny, Joe. Look, I've noticed how you treat the twins like they're the center of the universe, while I'm just some annoying asteroid floating around you guys. Do you even consider me a part of this crazy family?" She blurted out.

to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now