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age: 16
setting: rhode island

okayy, so yk how i said this chapter would be longer.... well....... writing can be hard yk🥰 so im sorry that is is short, but i tried mate

i also wasn't too sure on how to actually end the chapter 🤪🤪 so have fun🥰


have you asked your mum about the camping trip this weekend?

i forgot


i know, i knoww
ill ask her now, dw
wait, who's all coming again?

me, hopefully you, david, vee, stef, harvey, alayah, osc

oooh great
okay lemme go ask her

Y/n was sat in their home library with Taylor. Taylor was reading an old book, when Y/n interrupted her.

"Hey, Mum?"

"Hm?" Taylor hummed in response, moving her head towards Y/n before her eyes.

"Can I go on this camping trip with my friends this weekend?"

Taylor pulled a face. Y/n could tell already that her mother was not fond of this idea.

"Who's going?"

"Just Harlow and Vee, and a few other friends." Y/n said vaguely, shaking her hand in the air dismissively.

"Name them to me." Taylor said, putting her book down and crossing her legs.

"Harlow, Valerie, David, Stefania, Oscar, Alayah, Harvey.." Taylor noticed how Y/n's voice slowly got quieter as she listed the people. She knew that friend group and all the trouble that follows them.

"Nuh uh," Taylor shook her head. "You're not going. It's not safe."

"Mum, I'm sixteen. I can handle myself! I've been camping plenty of times before," Y/n argued, her voice filled with frustration.

"I know, sweetie, but this time it feels different. I just want you to be safe," Taylor replied, her tone concerned.

"Ugh! You always try to control everything I do! I can't live like this," Y/n shot back, her anger rising.

"It's not about control, Y/n. It's about me worrying for your safety. I'm your mother, and it's my job to protect you," Taylor explained, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Well, maybe I don't need your protection anymore! Maybe I should just leave," Y/n said, her words laced with defiance.

Frustrated, Taylor said in a moment of thoughtlessness, "Fine, get out!"

Taylor didn't know that those two words would be taken so literally by Y/n. As Y/n walked out of the room, Taylor realized her mistake, but it was too late.

She got into her room and quickly grabbed her old jansport backpack, stuffing it with random clothes and little essentials

Y/n, misinterpreting Taylor's words, stormed out of the front door, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe her mother would kick her out of the house. She felt ever so hurt and betrayed.

Without a second thought, Y/n quickly made her way to Harlow's house, seeking refuge in her girlfriend's comforting presence. Harlow welcomed her with open arms, sensing the pain etched across Y/n's face.

They spent the evening curled up next to each other, watching tv and trying to drown her mind out with ice cream.

Meanwhile, Taylor was at home panicking. She had called Y/n over and over again, amd sent her countless messages, but still no answer.

Taylor decided to call her mother, Andrea. "Mom, I've fucked up, really bad." She admitted.

"Taylor, honey, what's going on?" Andrea's comforting voice beamed through the phone.

"It's Y/n. I- I said something I shouldn't have, and she took it in the wrong way."

"Again?" Amdrea sighed, and Taylor just knew how fed up she probably looked on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, again, and I really can't be lectured on it right now. I need your help, Mom. I don't know where she's gone!"

"What do you mean, you don't know where she's gone? Why don't you know? What happened?"

"We- We were in an argument and she said how maybe she should just leave, and I agreed with her. Bu- ut I never meant that I wanted her to leave leave, I just wanted her to leave the room!" Taylor explained, pacing back and forth.

"Taylor! You kicked your daughter out?!" Andrea exclaimed, shouting so loud that Taylor actually had to move the phone away from her head.

"No! I would never do that! It was a misunderstanding!"

"I think you should be telling her that."

"I've tried, Mom. She won't pick up the damn phone."

"What if I call?"

"She'll know I sent you."

After discussing a bit more, Andrea told Taylor to go through her phone amd try contact anyone who Y/n could've possibly gone to.

She texted over 20 people, until she reached Harlow's mother, who informed her that her daughter was there. Taylor sighed out of relief when she found out her daughter was safe, amd immediately got in the car to drive there.

And while all of this was going on, Y/n and Harlow were in the bedroom, under the sheets, wearing very little clothing. And no, they weren't fucking. Y/n just wanted to be close to Harlow, as close as possible. And it was just really hot under the sheets.

When Taylor arrived at Harlow's house, she was let in immediately. Harlow's mum walked her over to the shut bedroom door. Taylor knocked on the door, their little secret rhythm.

Y/n's eyes widened as she heard it, and she immediately shot up. She ran to the door to keep it shut, Harlow following along after.

"Y/n, sweetie, I know you're in there." Taylor spoke gently. But there was no reply.

"I am so sorry, Y/n/n. I never meant to kick you out. I- I didn't mean it in that way at all. When I said get out I didn't mean the house, I just meant the room."

Y/n quickly put some clothes on, shoving some to Harlow aswell, and then opened the door. Taylor was stood there, eyes red and tear stained cheeks.

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she admitted her own interpretation. "I thought you wanted me gone. I felt so hurt and betrayed," Y/n's voice quivered.

Taylor reached towards her daughter, grasping Y/n's hand, and said, "I would never want you to leave, Y/n. You're my everything. I'm sorry for not being clear and for causing you to feel thos way."

They both hugged, almost collapsing in each other's arms. They held each other so tight, as if they were never going to again.




i honestly don't really know what else to say, so like, stay hydrated and eat alot of pasta 🥰🥰🥰

okie, love you lots and lots and lots and lots


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