bad word

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requested by LunaMaximoff4129

age: 15
setting: new york

btw this is pure waffleing im so sorry😭🤚


Y/n had agreed to babysit Theo and Indi whilst Taylor and Joe went out to some fancy restaurant for their date night.

As the evening settled in, Y/n realized just how difficult it could be to keep her siblings entertained. They were full of energy. Y/n tried to keep them engaged with toys, books, and even Bluey, but nothing seemed to capture their attention for long.

"Guys, c'mon! Would you sit still for a minute!" Y/n sighed, walking behind the running toddlers, who were heading towards the living room. Once they got in the room, Y/n closed the door and put a chair in front of it so that they couldn't escape and run off somewhere else.

Just as Y/n sat down on the chair, she caught a glimpse of mischief flickering in their eyes. Theo and Indigo exchanged knowing glances before bursting into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Confused, Y/n listened intently to their conversation.

"Shit" Indi whispered to Theo. The moment the word left her lips, both toddlers erupted into laughter. Y/n's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Realizing that this new word made Y/n laugh, Theo and Indigo became even more determined to keep the laughter going. "Say it again!" Theo squealed, tugging at Indi's shirt. "Y/n thinks it's funny!"

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Y/n's eyes widened with amusement. She knew she should intervene and teach them that it was not proper to use such language, but she thought that leaving that task for her parents would be more fun.

Pulling out her phone, Y/n decided to secretly film their little conversation. She knew she shouldn't encourage them, but a part of her wanted to share this moment with their parents. Y/n pressed record and watched as Theo and Indigo continued their little comedy act.

"Say it, Indi!"


"Shit!" Theo said, immediately holding his hands to his mouth, and looking wide eyed at Indi. Indi looked back at him, and urged him to carry on.

With each repetition of the word, their giggles grew louder, filling the house with infectious laughter. Y/n couldn't help but join in on laughing. She carefully filmed the scene, capturing the pure joy and innocence of her siblings.

After recording a few minutes of their hilarious conversation, Y/n quickly sent the video to Taylor and Joe. A message accompanied the video,

hope you guys are having a nice dinner 🤪 btw i think the twins have a new favorite word

As Y/n continued to watch them mess around, it became clearer that her siblings were growing tired. Their laughter turned to yawns, and soon enough, they were fast asleep, worn out from their little adventure. Y/n carefully tucked them into bed, feeling grateful for their mischievous bond.

A short while later, Y/n received a response from her mum,

Taylor: Out of all the words in the dictionary! LOL! Joe and I are pissing ourselves laughing right now! We'll give them a talk in the morning.🤣🤣 Miss and love you!

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle and cringe at the way her mother typed.

Y/n: when are you guys getting back?

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