
2.9K 56 15

requested by halsmaximoff

age: 14
setting: rhode island


Y/n's POV

Mom had been annoying me so much recently. She'd gotten so strict recently. She had stopped letting me hang out with any of my friends, or post on social media. My social life was quite litterly dying.

So when my friends invited me to go to the bowling rink and arcade with them, I quickly took up the offer. I knew my mom would say no, so I didn't tell her. Or my dad.

Instead, I decided to sneak out. It wasn't that hard to be honest. I just made sure that my parents were asleep, and I stuffed my bed, and climbed out the window. Then I rode my bike to the bowling rink.

I had a great time. I laughed with my friends, won bowling, and got a tonne of tickets at the arcade. It was one of the best nights I'd had in a while. But throughout the whole night, I never checked my phone, therefore never seeing the hundred missed calls I had from Mom.

I rode my bike back home, and parked it off to the side on the wall. Then, I used a ladder and climbed back up to my bedroom window. So far, so good I thought to myself as I reached the window. But as I was climbing inside, I heard a click, and with that, my light turned on.

I fell into my room with a tumble, head first, and mumbled "Shit" as I landed on the floor. I rubbed my head and looked up. My eyes widened. My mom and Dad were both sat on my bed. Mom looked furious, Dad looked disappointed.

I decided to try play it cool, as if I hadn't just been caught seeking back in the middle of the night. "Heyy Mom! I was just-"

"I don't want to hear your reasons Y/n. Sneaking out? In the middle of the night?! We were worried sick about you. Why didn't you answer any of my calls? Do you know how dangerous that was?!" Mom was yelling at me, her face ruby red and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Y/n this isn't like you." My dad said with a pained expression.

"You're darn right Joe, this isn't like Y/n. What went through your mind to make you think that this was a good idea?!" Mom yelled again.

I stood up, still rubbing my head from where it hit the floor. "I had to do something because you-"

"Don't you turn this on me, young lady! You could've asked me or-" She interrupted.

"Tay, let the girl explain herself" Dad suggested

"No! I have gone completely out of my way to protect her my whole life, and she repays me with this? Sneaking out? There were so many ways you could've gone about doing this. Sneaking out in the middle of the night is insane! It's already dangerous enough for her to go out by herself in broad daylight, netherless when the sky is pitch black!" The yelling went back and forth for a while.

"What else could I do?! If I asked you, you would've said no, and then I wouldn't have any friends!" I yelled back, starting to get really annoyed with my mom.

"Y/n, you know that's not true." Dad said calmly. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Yes it is. God, I wish I just had normal parents! Parents that would let me have a social life and that weren't famous." I said. My anger was filling me up. I was starting to lose control in what I was saying or doing.

I could practically see their hearts break. Their angered expressions turned into hurt ones.

"You don't really mean that Y/n" Mom said as she started walking closer to me. She went to put her arm on my shoulder, but before I knew it, I had used my nail to scratch her arm.

"Get away from me!" I screamed.

"Shit!" My mom flinched her arm away and winced out in pain. She backed up towards my Dad and removed her hand from where I had scratched her. Her arm was bleeding. I had sliced her arm really deep.

I took a step back as I had realized what I had done. My heart was beating way too fast. I had just attacked my mom. I looked down at my shaking hands, seeing blood on some of my fingers from where I had cut her. I kept walking back in disbelief until I reached the window, and I looked up to see my Dad taking my mom out of the room.

"I think we should go to the hospital, the cut is too deep for a plaster." My dad told my mom and she nodded.

They left the room, but I heard my mom shout up at me, "Y/n, come with!". So I followed them to the car.

The ride was silent. I was still in shock with myselft. The guilt swept over me, and even if I tried to talk, I couldn't. Dad had managed to put some bandage around mom's cut so it wouldn't bleed the whole trip.

Once we arrived at the ER, my mon was immediately seen and taken in for stitches.

Dad had been waiting in the waiting room with me so that I wouldn't be alone. I was still silent.

"You know, almost fifteen years ago, your mom and I were in a hospital like this. Only it wasn't for a cut on an arm, it was so that your mom could give birth to you. God, we were both so excited. But when your mom went into labour, it didn't run as smooth as it had been expected." He said. My head peaked up at this. They never talked about the day I was born. "Your mom was losing a lot of blood right after you came out, way too much blood. Luckily, we were able to get blood donated extremely quickly. If not then..." Dad looked as if he was going to cry. My eyes had begun to tear up as I heard the story. Mom almost died giving birth to me...

Once mom had come out of the hospital room, I ran up to her and gave her an extremely tight hug. I started to sob in her arms, not caring about the other patients looking.

"I'm so so sorry Mom. I didn't mean any of it, I swear. I was just angry and angsty and-"

"Shh, shhh, sweetie, it's okay." She comforted as she stroked my hair.

"No, it's not! You went through so much for me, and I'm so sorry" I continued sobbing and hugging her as we made our way back home. It was 3AM, so Dad had gone upstairs to sleep, but Mom and I were in the kitchen.

"How many stitches did you get?" I asked when we got home.

"Only four" She replied. I looked down, utterly disappointed in myself.

"I'm so sorry Mo-"

"Y/n, you really need to stop apologizing. I know that you're upset, but you need to calm down and go to bed, it's 3AM."

"I can't calm down Mom. You got stitches because I hurt you. And what I said, it's not something either of us can recover from quickly. And I just want you to know that I do really really love you, and I don't want you to ashamed of me"

"We all say things we don't mean, it's inevitable. That doesn't mean that we would be ashamed of you. Nothing you could ever do would make me and your dad stop loving you as much as we do now. In fact, it is a privilege to be a parent to you. We are so lucky to be able to watch you grow up and guide you along the way."

My eyes teared up again and I gave her another hug.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my mom. I don't know whag I'd do without you."

"I love you to the moon and saturn, sweetie"

"Forever and always."



aaaaa let me guys know what you think of this chapter. i hope y'all enjoyed it :))

this was a requested chapter, so if you also have a request, feel free to dm me or comment it below. and if you liked it, then please give the chapter a vote, it helps a ton :))



i hope y'all have a good day

love you lots <33333

to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now