pinky promise

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requested by 1989stan13

age: 15
setting: rhode island



Y/n sat alone in her bathroom, feeling the weight of her emotions bearing down on her. The darkness that had taken over her mind, body and soul was overwhelming. In her pocket, she held her only cure - a small razor blade, a slight escape from the pain she felt inside.

Y/n didn't realize this, but Taylor had noticed a change in her daughter's behavior over the past few weeks. While she initially chalked it up to typical teenage mood swings, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something more serious was happening. Taylor's mind led her to worry that Y/n may be silently battling something she couldn't see.

On this particular evening, Taylor decided to check on her daughter, a feeling of unease lingering in her gut. She pushed open Y/n's bedroom door slowly, her heart twisting with apprehension.

But when she opened the door, no one was there. "Y/n?" She called out.

Quick sniffles and rambling was heard from behind the door of Y/n's en suite.

"Y/n/n? Is everything okay?" Taylor called again, growing more concerned at the sound of her daughter crying.

"Y-yeah Mum, I'm- I'm fine. All good." Y/n replied, her voice breaking ever so slightly.

"You don't sound fine, Y/n. Let me in the room please." Taylor's voice was stern.

"No..." Y/n said, barely above a whisper. Taylor only just about heard her.

"Why? What's going on inside there?" She started to grow more impatient, and started knocking lightly on the door.


"That's it. I'm opening the goddamn door." Taylor thought to herself.

As Taylor stepped into the room, she froze, her eyes widening in shock as she caught a glimpse of her daughter in a state of vulnerability. Her heart sank as she saw the razor in Y/n's trembling hand, and the pain etched across her face.

"Y/n, what... what is this?" Taylor stammered, her voice laced with concern, her eyes welling up with tears.

Y/n's head shot up, her eyes widening in panic. She quickly tried to conceal the evidence of her self-harm, guilt instantly washing over her. She had never intended for her mother to find out, especially not like this.

"M-Mum, I..." Y/n struggled to find the words, her voice shaky with a mix of fear and shame. In that moment, she felt exposed, as if all of her darkest secrets were laid bare.

Taylor stepped closer, her voice unwavering but filled with emotions. "Sweetheart, why? Why would you do this to yourself?" Her heart ached as she saw the pain her daughter was enduring and realized she had missed the signs until now.

Tears streamed down Y/n's face as she tried to explain, her voice heavy with the weight of her anguish. "I... I don't know, Mum. I just... I can't explain it. It's like there's this overwhelming pain inside me, and this is the only way I feel any relief, even if it's just temporary." She whispered, struggling to find the words.

Taylor's heart broke as she heard her daughter's words. She moved closer, cautiously taking Y/n's hand, gently prying the razor blade from her grip. Taylor broke down crying whilst looking at what Y/n was doing to herself.

"My beautiful baby," She chocked out in a sob, wondering why Y/n would ever hurt her body.

"Mum..." Y/n said in a sigh.

to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now