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requested by ASTEZ1989

age: 11
setting: nashville


It was a gloomy evening as Y/n bid farewell to her friends and classmates in England. She was embarking on a new journey with her mother, Taylor, who had decided to move back to the United States for her music career and family. As the jet took off, Y/n felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about starting afresh in a new country.

Weeks passed, and Y/n found herself about to settle into her new school in the beautiful city of Nashville. The school seemed more welcoming than her previous one, and she couldn't help but hope for a fresh start. But despite the new environment, the scars from her past of being bullied still haunted her.

One fateful night, Y/n fell into a restless sleep. Her mind slipped into a vivid nightmare, transporting her back to England. In this dream, she found herself standing in the schoolyard, surrounded by the familiar faces of her former tormentors. The memories flooded back, and the emotions overwhelmed her-fear, insecurity, and helplessness all resurfaced.

Unable to escape the dream's clutches, Y/n's heart raced as the bullies closed in, taunting her with words that cut deep like knives, and their swords and weapons that they used against her. Their laughter echoed through her ears, drowning out her pleas for mercy. She felt small and insignificant, as if her voice didn't matter.


"Well, well, well! Look who we have here, guys! It's little Y/n/n, all alone!" Mia said, smirking at Y/n, who was sat alone on a bench outside.

"What's the matter, Y/n? Where's your mummy to hold your hand today?" Sophia asked mockingly.

"Yeah, Y/n! You really think you can hide forever? You think running away to another country is gonna change anything?" Liz joined in.

"G-guys, j-just leave me alone, please." Y/n begged.

"Aw, poor Y/n! Can't even stand up for herself." Mia cooed and took a step closer condescendingly. At this point, all three of them were towering over Y/n. "Nobody even likes you, Y/n. No matter where you go, you will never be enough. You're a pathetic loser with no life."

Sophia joined, pushing Y/n's arm "Yeah, what a loser!"

"Loser, loser, loser!" Liz laughed out.

"Since Little Miss Y/n over here snitched on us yesterday, I think she deserves a reminder of who's boss here." Mia suggested. The three of them gave each other a look, and instantly started attacking Y/n, both physically and verbally.


"Sweetheart, it's okay. You're safe. It was just a nightmare. Breathe, Y/n. Breathe with me." Taylor cooed, shaking Y/n gently, waking her up from her slumber.

"Mum, i-it felt so real! I left, b-but I can still see their faces." Y/n panicked. Beads of sweat were dripping down her forehead, and her breathing was unsteady.

"I know, my dear. Nightmares can be scary and unsettling, especially when they bring back painful memories. But remember, they don't have any power over you anymore. You are stronger than you realize." Taylor reassured

"But Mum, it's hard to forget everything they did to me. The punches, t-the jokes... It's like a never-ending cycle in my mind."

"I understand, darling. Those scars may take time to heal completely, but you have come so far already. Look at who you are now - strong, resilient, and full of potential. You have overcome so much, and I couldn't be more proud of you."

"I just wish I could erase those memories completely, Mum." Y/n sniffled, looking up at her mum in sadness

"I wish I could do that for you, too, my love. But remember, those experiences have shaped you into the amazing person you are today. They have taught you strength. You have the power to become a beacon of light for others who may be going through similar difficulties."

"Will I ever get over it?" Y/n said, hopelessly. It broke Taylor's heart to hear it.

"It won't be easy, sweetheart, but I believe in you. Start by embracing the present moment and the love that surrounds you. Surround yourself with positive and supportive friends who appreciate and cherish you for who you are. Focus on your passions and things that bring you joy, letting them become your guiding light." Taylor held her hand and looked deep into her daughter's eyes, making sure that she was listening completely.

"I'll try, Mum. But what if they come after me again? What if there are more of them at my new school?"

"The bullies you faced were misguided and insecure. Their actions were never a reflection of your worth or who you are. If they ever try to hurt you again, know that you have the strength to rise above their negativity and choose kindness instead. Never be so polite, you forget your power. Never wield such power, you forget to be polite."

"Thanks, Mum. I needed to hear that." Y/n said, pulling her mother in for a hug.

"Anytime, my love. Even in the darkest of moments, the light within you shines brightest. You are loved, valued, and capable of achieving incredible things. You're unique and one truly one of a kind. Don't let the actions of others define you or dampen your spirit. I will always be here for you, supporting and guiding you every step of the way."

"I love you, Mum." Y/n said, smiling softly and closing her eyes.

"I love you too sweetie, to the moon and to saturn." She whispered the last part, placing a sweet kiss on Y/n's forehead."




this one was pretty short but i thought it was really sweet tbh

i hope you all liked it <3

if any of y'all are being bullied or have anything you want to talk about in your life, feel free to dm me :) my dms are always open, and i TRY to reply as fast as i can

anyway, im camping rn and its so cold im gonna cry. im literally snuggled up in LAYERS. and these sheep next to me wont shut up 🤠 and i think i head ducks aswell. its a whole choir out there i swear

oki now

love you lots and lots and lots

byeeeee <33333

to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now