Part 14

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Now that Brooklyn knew that Angela was pregnant, he began to follow her around the castle more, but she would give him glares when Broadway was around. He knew what it meant. He was just concerned for her and his child. She still wasn't showing yet, but all the males were growing more concerned for her as she was looking paler when she got sick.

Angela tried to hide her 'morning sickness' from the males, even Brooklyn. But since he had been lowered to following her in deep concerns, he once caught her in the act of throwing up in the bathroom just before breakfast one night. "Angela?" he asked as he knocked on the door.

"Go 'way!" He heard on the other side, but the door wasn't locked. The red male pushed his way into the room. "I can't. Not until I know you're okay." He replied.

Angela threw up again before she could say anything else. Brooklyn felt grossed out, but he was still concerned about her. Some of her hair fell in her face. He saw that and went over to pull it out of her face.

With some more time, she finally stopped puking and flushed the evidence away. "I hate... this..." she whimpered.

"I'm sorry you're going through this." He stated. "Are you alright?"

"I hope this goes away." Angela declared miserably. "I might need to talk to Fox. She knows about pregnancy."

"Yeah, it might be a good idea. I don't know much about this." Brooklyn stated. Then he knew that he should get some books about pregnancy.

The two of them went to find Fox before breakfast. Angela wasn't really hungry anyway.

Fox was in the nursery with her son. He had just fallen asleep for the night. There was a knock at the door. She turned and saw two gargoyles standing there.

"Hi, you two. What can I do for you?" Fox asked.

"Fox, you know I told you about my secret." Angela replied as she came into the room with Brooklyn behind her.

"And you have told Brooklyn too?"

"Yes, I know it now." He said. "But there are some concerns for her health."

"Let me guess: throwing up, nausea, ravenous when hungry later, tiredness, headaches, dizziness? Things like that?" Fox declared.

"Yes." Angela answered.

"I lived through it when I was pregnant with Alex." Fox replied.

"But is there anything we can do for all these issues?" Brook asked.

"It's just a normal part of pregnancy, Brooklyn. But she should be taking prenatal vitamins for one thing and resting more. She shouldn't be patrolling or fighting in her condition. Her hormones are going to be kind of wacky in the coming months, for however long gargoyles are pregnant for. But she should also get an exam scheduled with a doctor too, just to see how the baby is. He could also give her some proper anti-nausea medication." Fox explained.

Angela hated the thought right now of having any more doctors examining her but what choice did she have? There was a good question of how the child was doing so far.

"Where do we get those vitamins?" Brooklyn asked.

"The grocery store, of course. The health department. But I can get some for her since I know where to look." Fox declared.

"Thank you, Fox." Angela said gladly.

"You're welcome." The redheaded woman replied.

"And we still need to tell the clan." Brook declared.

"I'm still worried about how Broadway is going to take all this." Angela stated her concern.

"You're not the only one." Brooklyn agreed. He hoped Broadway would understand and not kill him.

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