Part 15

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An appointment was made with Dr. Sato to come and take a look at Angela and the baby.

Brooklyn wanted to be in there when the doctor came to examine her as it was his child too. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her. He already had a strong fatherly instinct for his child.

Angela was nervous. Broadway wanted to be in there as well. "I'm sorry, Broadway, but Brooklyn needs to be with me during this, as he was part of it." She kissed him.

Broadway glared at the red Second. He felt a little jealous. The clan would have to wait for results this time.

Brooklyn stood close to Angela in the exam room as Dr. Sato just had her pull down her belt a ways to expose her belly more to him for the exam. He had been told of how this happened and agreed it was wrong, but he had to check on the status of the embryo.

At around eight weeks, the embryo might still be small, but it should be big enough to be seen on the screen. Angela flinched as the slimy gel was applied to her lower stomach and the wand right after. Brooklyn watched warily. So did Angela. It was such an awkward feeling on her belly.

On the screen, it was revealing Angela's uterus and what was in it. Inside the womb, there was a blob of black in it with a little blue orb in it. Around it though was a look of something else forming, an eggshell. Sato had never seen this before.

"Wow. It looks like a shell is forming around the embryo itself." The man said. "I've just never seen anything like this before."

"But how is the baby looking, Doctor?" Brooklyn asked.

"It looks like an eight-week-old embryo." Sato replied.

"And nothing's wrong with it?" Angela asked in concern.

"I don't think so, but I can get you some medicine for your nausea, my dear." Sato declared. "You need to eat healthy from here on out. You should do some reading on how to prepare for parenthood."

"We'll have plenty of time to prepare, Doc. We'll have ten years for that after she lays it." Brook stated.

"And when do you think it'll be due?" Sato asked. "I'm sorry, but I don't know gargoyle reproduction."

"Four months. I'm in my second month." Angela clarified.

Sato counted up the months. "That will put the egg to be due in October."

Angela was going to be pregnant all summer. She and Brooklyn had been captured earlier that spring in April, but the waiting of three weeks later and the heat cycle plus the insemination had made it happen out of order. The egg would just be born on its own terms.

"Our mating usually happens on the fall equinox and the eggs usually are laid on the spring equinox." Brook explained. "Under normal circumstances in our breeding years."

"The equinoxes are usually around the 20th of those months. So, perhaps we can put the due date as the 20th of October then." Sato guessed.

"Might as well." Angela stated.

Then Sato said, "Do you want to hear the heartbeat?"

"Can we?" Brooklyn asked in bright curiosity.

"Yes, you can." Sato replied. He played the sound of the heartbeat. It was amazing that it was so small, and its heart was already beating. Both Brooklyn and Angela were awestruck at hearing their child's heartbeat.

A sonogram picture was printed off for them to show the clan when it was over. Angela was glad to have her exam over and she was also glad that Sato had not put anything into her body. Brooklyn would have likely wanted to clobber him if he had.

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