Part 24

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Over the next ten years and beyond...

Broadway and Venus started getting closer as friends. Eventually, it turned into a more romantic pairing. They eventually also got married in a gargoyle way.

Lexington met a girl that he saved on the streets called Yuki. She was of Chinese origin. She had lived in Little Tokyo in Manhattan. They communicated on the computer chat rooms quite a bit. She was also a veterinary technician why encountering a gargoyle wasn't that scary to her. And the smallest one of the clan at that. She was about twenty-five years old and stood about 5'3. Her hair was black and long past her shoulders.

Brooklyn and Angela's relationship grew stronger. Angela supported Brooklyn's decisions a lot more. Brooklyn would accompany her and Goliath a lot on patrols. But Angela was also put on an exercise plan too to help her lose the pregnancy look. A good diet too.

Goliath and Elisa were also into their relationship to where they eventually got married. They adopted two kids over the years. A girl first then a boy. Elisa didn't want to risk a pregnancy even with assistance of science, and there were plenty of orphans out there that needed homes. Rose and Dillon were their names.

Hudson was still a wise grandfather type. Bronx still kept him company a lot. Eventually, his health began to be worse, and he had to give up patrolling all together.

Eventually, the gargoyle clans of the world were summoned and met too, in London as the first time. Things could get sketchy, but the clans were all wanting to come out of the shadows and be recognized by the world that there were more than the ones in Manhattan.

Lex and his girl got married to one another with her willing to change into a gargoyle for him. Puck and Alex changed her.

Coldstone and Coldfire also came back and took their places in the clan too.

Alex grew up more and started private school. He needed friends his own age to be with. He was told not to show his powers in school to anyone. He promised he wouldn't. His grandmother Titania also told him that. It was only something to be used secretly at home or a last resort of defense, but a not to be seen way of doing it.

David and Fox still ran the business with Owen helping. They looked out for their son and the gargoyles. They were always glad to lend a hand if there was money involved.

In a few months before the egg was due to hatch, the gargoyles finally saved a train from the Quarrymen, and they were recognized finally as heroes of humankind. They were offered jobs to work alongside the police force and even the FBI. The clan was happy to oblige.

The year 2007 in the fall was a breeding year for the gargoyles too. Angela also naturally went into heat that year too. She, along with the other females, mated with their males and got pregnant again. There would still be a baby hatching normally in another decade. But she wouldn't be pregnant when her other egg would hatch.

Brooklyn and Angela had also finally thought of a name for their son or daughter. The day was approaching.

When the day came, around October 20th, 2009, the egg finally started to crack. There was much excitement in the air. When the egg finally showed what had been created as an experimental breeding so long ago, a little lavender arm and leg poked out first. The baby was a boy it meant.

When the baby's head poked out, he had Brooklyn's face and horns. He had Angela's hair color though. When the wings showed, they were also Brooklyn's wings. He also had wing hands like both of his parents. It was going to be unique seeing a little one that had Goliath's coloring and Brooklyn's looks. They had decided to name him Cayden in the end. They had wanted a name that definitely didn't start with any of the other clan members.

"Welcome to the clan, Cayden." Goliath welcomed his new grandson with open arms. He was more than happy to hold him. "Just as your father Brooklyn is my second in command and will one day take over my leadership, maybe one day, you'll also become a leader of this clan as well." He explained.

Brooklyn and Angela smiled at that. But only a long time from now would it tell.

Demona was also involved in her grandson's life too. Brook still kept his distance from her, but Angela always supervised her mother seeing Cayden. She saw how much he looked like Brooklyn but had her former mate's coloring. At least he didn't look much like Goliath. She liked that and would always be around if she was needed.

Hudson was also glad to meet the new baby. His health wasn't in the best ways these days. At least he got to meet and see him before his time was up. Hudson unfortunately passed away one night in his own room from pneumonia that winter. It was a bad winter.

The clan held a Wind Ceremony for him. They were sad and would mourn his passing. Hudson had been a great leader and teacher. He would be greatly missed. At least he was one of the great ones that lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes. He was also honored with a memorial of a tree in the courtyard and at Central Park.

His body was cremated and put in an urn to be released on the Wind Ceremony. Now he could truly rest in peace and be with his long-departed love in the next life.

The clan was kept on their toes with little Cayden waiting for the next generation to hatch. They would all take turns watching him over the years.

Brooklyn and Angela took both approaches. Having the clan raise him as well as wanting him to know that he was their son.

Another ten years later, there were more gargoyles in the clan and more eggs had been added to the rookery from other clans. In March 2018, on the equinox, the eggs all began to hatch into a new batch of babies. There was a total of twelve. Six of each gender hatched.

Brooklyn and Angela had a daughter then. She was red like her father and had white hair too. She was an exact replica of him. She had his beak but not the horns this time. She had more of Angela's small bumps on the top of her head. She also had her dad's wings. She had Angela's elbow and knee spurs too. Cayden didn't have them. They named her the name for the girl they had decided long ago, Gloria.

Broadway and Venus had produced a boy called Linus. He looked more like Venus and had blonde hair from his father's side. Broadway's mother had had blonde hair. He also had the three-pointed ears. His wings were like Broadway's too.

Lexington and Yuki produced a daughter that was more yellow in color like her mom. Because of the human DNA. She had Lex's wings. Her name was chosen to be Jade. She might not have been green, but they liked the name.

At least there would be several other hatchlings to play and learn with here in the castle.


Brooklyn and Angela had had a rocky time from the time of their kidnapping so long ago to start a new life for them. It was strange when Angela felt she had to change mates. That normally didn't happen, but Angela was glad that Broadway had found another female that wanted to be with him, even if she was a mutated human.

Cayden was a special young gargoyle. They tried to keep his origins a secret from the other clans. It was just known among the Manhattan Clan. He would stand out among them as one of a kind due to his unfortunate timing of birth. What mattered was that he was still part of their clan. They loved him the way he was. At least hopefully there wouldn't be any more surprise breedings like that. It was just better to have it be the way it was supposed to be.

The Manhattan Clan was happy and felt complete with the way things had come to be. They would all look out for one another over the years, no matter what life threw at them. It couldn't have been better.

The End

Note: Well, this is the end everyone. I had fun writing this story. Sorry if the ending seemed rushed or anything. I just wanted to get to the point. It was just I thought I had this story complete one other time and somehow, much of the ending I had written somehow got erased. Maybe I was tired when it happened. I don't really remember. But I am glad to have gotten to this point finally. I hope you all enjoyed this story.

Reviews on what you thought of it are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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