Part 17

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A few nights later, Brooklyn and Angela made the declaration that they were now fully decided mates. Hudson and Lexington were surprised but had seen the two of them together. Elisa was with them too. She was surprised. She was sure that Angela was happy with Broadway, but it had been her choice. Women changed their minds about men all the time if they were the right one. And with Brooklyn being the father of the child too that she carried, it also made sense for it to be that way. But something had obviously brought them together.

Broadway was still around but he just wasn't the same. He had shut himself off and was depressed. He wasn't wanting to cook either, which left Owen to do it for them, or there were just sandwiches served.

Goliath hoped Broadway would be alright.

But then, Elisa approached Broadway to talk to him. He was really close with her too.

"Broadway, I'm sorry that Angela changed her mind about Brooklyn. Are you alright?" Elisa asked in concern.

"I'll be fine, Elisa, but I just don't get why she left me altogether." Broadway sobbed.

"It likely just had something to do with what happened to them both while they were together alone for so long." Elisa proclaimed. "Angela just saw something in Brooklyn that made her change her mind."

"If those scientists had been told that Brooklyn wasn't her mate, maybe they would not have made her mate with him." Broadway gave a jealous growl.

"It probably wouldn't have mattered to them. They would have wanted them to mate anyway. That's the way scientists are." Elisa stated. "But there's likely another female gargoyle out there looking for a mate of your standards, Broadway. I know it's not easy to get over something like this, but we'll get through this together. But you have to respect Angela's decision."

"I know. And I know Brooklyn was rejected quite a few times." Broadway stated. "But this is my first time."

"You can only do your best to get through the pain and eventually move on." Elisa declared.

Broadway would do his best to get over Angela, but he didn't know if he could. Would it be possible to share her with Brooklyn?


Soon, Angela's third month came on and she wasn't feeling quite so bloated all the time anymore. Fox had given her prenatal vitamins to make sure she was getting vital vitamins for her and the egg she carried.

Angela was starting to get a little bump in her belly, showing that the egg was getting bigger inside her. Brooklyn liked to rub it too, being a proud father to be. But sometimes, Angela got a little annoyed with him when he did it. Her moods were really unpredictable at times. He really had to watch what he said to her.

Brooklyn tried being the gentleman that he was. He found he just had to humor Angela in what she was saying, or she would get upset with him. It didn't take much to make her moods change.

She felt some cramps in her lower back and pelvic area. The ligaments were not used to the egg, but they were just making room for the stretching out. She also had some moments of feeling too hot or too cold. But at least the sickness times had finally stopped.

If Angela happened to get angry at Brooklyn for something he said or did, she would also send him away at times. He found himself hurt emotionally, but he got told by Hudson and Goliath that it was something that happened with pregnant females. They were just moodier in these times. It was better that other females took care of her, but there were no other gargoyle females here at this time. But Elisa and Fox tried to do their best.

Demona also came to the castle to help out if she was needed. Angela would often call her mother and ask for information on the pregnancy like if it was normal to feel what she was feeling. If only Coldfire had been there too. She too might remember pregnancy as well, but she wasn't.

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