Part 16

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A couple weeks later, by now, Angela didn't have morning sickness quite so much. Dr. Sato's medicine helped to control the nausea, but she still threw up at times. But she ate crackers a lot too. Toast, bananas, and fruit were a lot of what Angela ate most of the time. Her stomach also had a slight bump on the lower part.

Broadway was still around Angela the most when it wasn't one of the others. But Brooklyn was always ready to lend a hand too. He wanted to be a devoted father, but his brother was doing that stuff for him.

The turquoise male understood that the scientists had made his brother breed his mate, but he still wished the child was his. But when he saw his red brother attending to Angela in any way, he got really jealous.

One night, Angela was in the library reading while Broadway went to search out Brooklyn to have a chat with him. Until the child hatched, he didn't think Brook should have a role to play so much with his mate.

He found Brooklyn overlooking the city on one of the front battlements. How he wished he had a mate of his own so he wouldn't feel so lonely. He was excited for the baby coming but it wouldn't be here for another ten years.

"You probably wish Angela was with you instead of me, don't you?" Broadway blurted out.

Brooklyn jumped and turned to look at his bigger brother. "Huh?"

"Don't give me that. I've seen the way you look at her! You want her, don't you?!" Broadway accused him.

"Not in the way you think." Brooklyn replied as he stood up to face him.

"Oh, come on, Brooklyn, you've always wanted Angela for yourself. Just as you wanted Maggie too! And she rejected you. Angela chose me for her mate. Me! I'm making that clear to you right now." Broadway raised his voice angrily.

"I know she's yours! Just as Maggie chose Talon. And Delilah chose that clone of mine." Brook retorted. "Every female rejects me!"

"What's this fighting about?" Angela came onto the battlements. "I heard you arguing."

The two males turned to her. "Nothing." Brooklyn replied.

"No, it's not nothing. Bet touching my mate brings back memories of when Coldsteel made you touch her before?!" Broadway shouted at him.

"Broadway!" Angela scolded him.

Brooklyn gasped. Those daymares still haunted him from that evil maniac. "I don't have to take this." The red male then turned and jumped off the battlement.

"Broadway, how could you say that to him?! We told you what happened." Angela scolded him then took off after Brooklyn. "Brooklyn, wait!"

Broadway was upset that he had gone off the deep end over this, but he still wondered if Angela still loved him since she seemed to want to be with Brooklyn more these days. Their relationship hadn't been what it was before the kidnapping.

Brooklyn flew for a distance but not too far from the castle. "Brooklyn, wait." He heard Angela calling his name. He knew she shouldn't be out here.

He came to a stop to allow her to catch up. He landed on a nearby roof. She landed behind him.

"Are you alright, Brooklyn? I'm sorry Broadway said that to you." Angela apologized.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just... Angela, I know this hasn't been easy on us since what happened. I've just felt like I want to be closer to you since you're carrying my child. And when we... did it." Brooklyn explained. "And it hurts me to know I can't be with you."

Angela was seeing a different side to Brooklyn. Ever since returning home, she had liked him being by her side through this ordeal, even though she still craved some private time.

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