Part 19

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The weather of the summer was really hot and as Angela got further into her pregnancy, she wanted to spend most of her time in the air conditioning. Her body temperature was really warming up higher than normal. It got Brooklyn concerned.

Dr. Sato came by to examine Angela again to see how the pregnancy was progressing. Another ultrasound was done. Brooklyn was in the room too. On the screen, the picture was showing an embryo that was still quite small, but it was also showing parts of an eggshell surrounding it too.

The egg was taking shape beautifully. It would be ready on time. The so-called due date was in October, around the 20th. It just hadn't been conceived on the spring equinox so it couldn't be due on the fall equinox. It was going to be an odd birth.

Angela's blood pressure was taken, and her heart and lungs listened to. It just turned out that there was more blood circulating through her body and the hormones were wacky. She was going to be hotter than she usually was. That's why wintertime was more the right time for female gargoyles to carry their eggs. The colder air suited them.

There was a new print out of the egg. But it seemed to be healthy. It was shown to the clan. They all admired it. But Angela would need to stay inside as much as possible. It was hot out even at night in late July and August.


Brooklyn continued to try to keep his mate happy during the pregnancy. She still had mood swings, but they weren't nearly as bad as now. But there were more aches and pains being added to the mix. The egg was putting more pressure on her internal organs as it grew bigger.

After seeing a show where a man wanted to show his pregnant wife that he cared about her condition, an idea came to Brooklyn. Could he experience something like that too? He did like to experience new things when they were considered good.

He went to Fox to ask her something. "Fox, do you know of uh, those things that men might be able to wear to get an understanding of what their pregnant mates are going through?" Brook asked Fox.

"You mean empathy bellies?" Fox replied quizzically.


This got a giggle out of Fox. "So, you're saying that you want to try one to sympathize with Angela?"

"Yes. Since she's carrying an egg, she won't get to feel movement like you got to with Alex." Brooklyn said. "So, it'll make it easier for me to understand what she's going through with just wearing the belly thing."

"Sure, that's an idea, Brooklyn. You should also talk that over with Angela." Fox couldn't help the smiling.

"Alright. But will you get one for me?"

"I can." She said.

"Did Xanatos wear one when you were pregnant?" He asked.

"No. He had too much work to do. But I can sympathize with the men who want to know what their wives are going through." Fox stated.


Brooklyn went to talk to Angela afterward.

"Angela, I was watching an episode of Full House and I saw how Jesse wanted to see how it felt to be pregnant." Brooklyn explained.

"That just couldn't happen, Brooklyn." Angela said.

"Well, there was a way that it was done. I'm not talking being impregnated but there's an empathy pouch that males can wear to get a feel of what it's like. I'm just curious about what it's like to be pregnant. And since you are carrying an egg, I'll also have a good understanding since you won't feel the baby move and I can surely feel that too. Just get the feeling of carrying the egg." Brook explained.

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