𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉

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"Tomorrow is the day they will evaluate your skills

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"Tomorrow is the day they will evaluate your skills." Alaric explains to Dahlia, Wyatt nowhere to be seen. "This is the time to pick up the sword and show those bastards what you can do."

"So you're saying the first time I'll ever pick up a sword will be in front of the Head Gamemaker?" Dahlia asks incredulously, leaning her forearms on the table. "This is the plan?"

Alaric sighs at Dahlia's outburst of disbelief and clarifies, "We needed to make sure the other tributes were unaware of your skills."

"What skills?" She exclaims, throwing her hands up in exasperation and despair. "I haven't picked up a sword in my life and you're expecting me to be an expert?"

"Dahlia, you are the best tribute I have ever trained." Alaric states, traces of sadness hidden within his voice. "You had all the attributes of a Victor, you just needed some combat skills to back it up. I have never seen anyone take to the training as well as you have." The mentor stands up and heads round the table to kneel in front of the girl, taking her hands in his own. "You are a force to be reckoned with. The Capitol believes it, the tributes believe it... And I believe it. But I need you to believe it too. Having confidence in your own abilities is half the battle." Alaric doesn't know how this young girl managed to worm her way into his heart, but he refuses to let her give up on herself. Not when she's come so far already. "Tomorrow, you will stand tall and proud. You will walk in there with your head held high and pick up a sword like you've been wielding one your whole life. Do you understand?"

Dahlia nods her head with a restored feeling of confidence. "Yes. I'll do my best."

"That's all I ask." Alaric smiles, squeezing Dahlia's hands three times. Dahlia returns the gesture before launching herself into Alaric's arms. The older man is taken aback by the hug. He had not let anyone get close to him in years and now this determined girl had done the impossible in just a few days. She was going to do well tomorrow. He just knew it.


Dahlia sat stiffly on the metal bench, palms pressed tightly to her legs to stop them from visibly shaking. Her legs had been bouncing with nerves so she had placed her feet flat on the floor. All her concentration was spent on making sure her body didn't betray her fearful emotions. The Career Pack are like dogs, smelling fear from a mile away. They looked the smaller tributes up and down, analysing their weaknesses like a predator stalking prey. She was determined not to give them the satisfaction.

Cove was up before her, the two girls exchanging subtle winks of reassurance. They had spent most of the previous day training and learning together. Dahlia was surprised at how friendly the blonde was, acting almost like the big sister she's never had (if that big sister was an expert with knives and spears). They had learned a lot from each other in such a short period of time and now they were both ready to show off their skills today.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now