𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒌, 𝑵𝒐 𝑩𝒊𝒕𝒆

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The Madame was furious

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The Madame was furious.

She had promised President Snow a heartless monster, encouraged him to put the girl to the test. Not only had her Black Dahlia project failed in the field, but she had gone completely rogue and taken a whole squadron of loyal peacekeepers out with her. In the end, it took the combined effort of ten men to subdue her but the death toll was substantial and growing more by the minute. All this chaos brought on by a few simple words and a pathetic flower pin. Weeks of hard work and gruelling training undone in a single moment. Snow would not be happy with this disastrous outcome and the Madame was not willing to endure the consequences.

"Prepare the machine immediately." She commanded urgently, storming into the dingy chamber with angry marching steps. The bustling scientists and doctors were startled from their duties at the woman's sudden and enraged appearance, glancing to one another for what to do next.

One brave woman managed to find her voice and spoke out in protest, "We need authorisation from President Snow."

This was evidently the wrong thing to say. The Madame's anger, already at boiling point even before entering, seemed to have been pushed too far and desperately needed a release. Unfortunately the closest target for this inevitable outburst just happened to be the very woman who had triggered it.

The entire room halted in place as the scientist's throat was slit with such force that her blood splattered violently across the grey walls like a broken sprinkler. The Madame stood above the fallen body, eyes blown wide with resentful fire and face smeared with droplets of blood. Her lips had curled up into a vicious snarl and the roar that had left her throat as she butchered her prey reminded all those nearby of a predator killing simply because she can. Simply for the enjoyment.

Unaffected by her erratic actions, she turned to face the frozen doctors and menacingly hissed through her teeth, "Does anyone else wish to seek permission from our dear President?" No one dared to argue back this time. Fearing another unpredictable attack, they abandoned their tasks and immediately got to work on preparing the mind-wipe machine. Though her eyes were narrowed in scrutiny at each individual scrambling to follow her orders, the Madame tilted her head in approval. "That's what I thought." She muttered bitterly, striding forward to continue barking orders in their ears. "Get ready for the Black Dahlia's arrival. I want her memories fried. And this time, make sure you do it right!"

As the Madame pressured the doctors and scientists to work faster than ever, Dahlia was smirking triumphantly as the peacekeepers forced her down the corridor. She didn't care what punishment was awaiting her for this act of disobedience and treachery. She was just glad she had made the Capitol bleed while she could.

She couldn't help but laugh out loud manically as the peacekeepers yanked her into the familiar yet dreaded room. The already tense scientists and doctors shrunk away from the mad woman who looked even more terrifying at that moment than the Madame. With the dried blood covering her from head to toe and the sinister cackle escaping her lips, they feared that an angel of death had truly descended among them, ready to claim their wicked souls for all the evil deeds they had committed. That harrowing sight alone was nearly enough to frighten them into surrender.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now