𝑮𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔

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Finnick had never truly supported the Rebellion or actively done anything to aid them in their fight ever since they made the decision to abandon Dahlia in the arena

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Finnick had never truly supported the Rebellion or actively done anything to aid them in their fight ever since they made the decision to abandon Dahlia in the arena. He never went against them but he also refused to help the people who had left her to rot in the hands of Snow and the Capitol. But as soon as he heard the news that a team was being mobilised to rescue the Victors, all of the Victors, he was ready to assist in any way he could. President Coin refused his request to join the volunteers, but explained that he could be of use some other way. He accepted before the woman could finish her sentence. Anything to get Dahlia back.

He made his way to the surface of District Thirteen with the camera crew, finally ready to share his story with Panem and reunite with Dahlia. Though these were the actions of a desperate man, he still felt the pang of nerves flood his body at what he was about to reveal. As he clambered down the rocky rubble, he paused in his step and pondered whether this was the right decision. He had barely admitted the truth to himself, and now he was airing out all the trauma Snow had put him through. Not just him, but Dahlia as well.

"Okay, Finnick?" Cressida asked sympathetically, noticing the hesitation and anxiety on his face.

"Yeah." He nodded quickly, determined to go through with this plan no matter how uncomfortable he felt. He needed to do this. For all the Victors who suffered by Snow's hand. For himself. And most importantly, for Dahlia.

"Go in the centre there." Cressida instructed him gently, pointing out where she wanted him to go. Finnick strode down into the crater of white roses, faltering slightly as he spotted the black dahlia in the centre. "Those rocks." She specified and Finnick wasted no time scooping up the flower as he continued past. Cressida turned to her team and began handing out orders, "Castor, to the left. Pollux, you're with me."

Finnick climbed onto the rock with his eyes fixated on the dahlia. It looked almost identical to the hair piece that had landed at his feet all those years ago. The reason he had strayed from his path in the first place, the reason he had met his Dahlia. Now it would be his motivation to get her back.

"So we'll go straight to camera. Okay?" Cressida announced before turning to find Finnick's gaze focused downwards. "Finnick?"

"Yeah." He muttered in acknowledgement, snapping out of his memories as he prepares to unveil the truth.

"Okay." Cressida murmured softly as Finnick cleared his throat. "Take your time. Just remember to keep talking and don't stop."

Taking a deep breath in, he reminded himself one more time of why he is doing this. Remember who you're fighting for, his own advice to her rang in his head. I'm fighting for you, little flower. Come back to me.

"This is Finnick Odair."


The rescue team had successfully infiltrated the Capitol, knocking out the guards with gas and dropping in under the cover of night. As they approached the ominous iron double doors, Gale felt a sudden chill travel down his spine, like an animal sensing danger nearby. His breathing and heart rate picked up as Boggs activated another gas canister and deposited it discreetly into the mysterious room. The two men made eye contact in the darkness, both realising how easy and seamless this mission had gone so far. Like the Capitol had just left the doors wide open for the rebels to walk right in. And something didn't feel right about it.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now