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"I'm sorry, Lia

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"I'm sorry, Lia." Those were the words he could muster. Pathetic, he scolded himself, You're Finnick Odair. Start acting like it. But that's not who he is with her. He's Finn. Not the golden boy or a Capitol flirt. Just Finn.

"Sorry for what, silly?" Dahlia giggles, booping the boy on the nose with an adorable smile and tired eyes. "You haven't done anything."

"It's all my fault." He groans out, nestling his face in the crook of Dahlia's neck. "It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I never-- I never meant for this to happen." His words escape his lips in short, breathy gasps as his throat closes up with the overwhelming emotions. "I tried to stop him."

With furrowed eyebrows and a soft touch, Dahlia cups Finnick's cheek and gently pries his face up to meet her gaze. "Talk to me, Finn. Tell me what's wrong and we can fix it." In the years she had known Finnick, she'd never seen him fall apart at the seams like this. He was always so composed and level-headed. It was a heartbreaking scene to witness, watching as a strong figure crumbles under your fingertips.

"It's too late!" Finnick cries out, uncurling his fist to reveal a crushed white rose deteriorating in his palm. Dahlia's breath hitches at the sight, knowing Finnick had discovered her whereabouts. "The damage is done." His voice is croaky and he can barely lift his tear-stained eyes from the sheets. "He's punishing you for something I did."

Dahlia shakes her head furiously, trying desperately to get Finnick to look at her. "No, Finnick. It's not your--"

"Yes it is, Lia!" Finnick exclaims, pulling away from the girl to perch on the end of the bed. Dahlia's heart clenches in pain at his dismissal as Finnick's back shudders with each laboured breath. Elbows resting on his knees, Finnick's hands rub wearily at his forehead as he takes a moment to gather his emotions. "I should've known better than to make a deal with Snow." He begins in a quiet mumble, making Dahlia shuffle closer to hear him better while still maintaining  distance between them. "But he started making threats towards you... Your sister and Annie too. I knew he wasn't bluffing so I went along with it to keep you safe."

"I'm sorry you had to do that." Dahlia mutters guiltily, hugging her knee to her chest.

"I'm not." Finnick argues softly, glancing over his shoulder to gaze at her earnestly. "I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you and your family were safe."

"But you shouldn't have to, Finn." Dahlia points out, despite feeling touched at Finnick's admission. "We shouldn't have to do... this."

Both teenagers knew exactly what was being used as their bargaining chip. Their bodies in exchange for the guarantee that their families wouldn't be harmed. Although nothing is ever truly guaranteed with Snow. This could all be for nothing in the end if he feels inclined to go back on his word.

Finnick sighs in defeat, "I had no choice, Lia. He's been pestering me about it from the moment I won my Games." The boy who was normally a commanding form had never seemed smaller with his hunched shoulders and tense frame. His hands yearned for a rope to form into knots, something to occupy his mind and take him back to District Four. "Only this time he'd managed to find something I didn't want to lose. I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

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