𝑾𝒆'𝒓𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆

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"Cashmere and Gloss

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"Cashmere and Gloss. Brother and sister. District One." Haymitch explains as the first Tributes appear on the screen. With blonde hair and chiselled features, the siblings look like they are descended from Greek Gods of war. Sickeningly, they both wear happy smiles on their faces as if it's an honour to have been chosen and sent away to possible death. "They won back-to-back Games. Capitol favourites. Lots of sponsors. They will be lethal." Clicking to the next video reveals a fearsome pair who one might mistake for Roman gladiators. Their joined hands are raised proudly in victory and they roar animalistically at the cheering crowds. "And the other half of the Career Pack, Brutus and Enobaria."

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss asks with a grimace, eying up the sharp spikes protruding from the woman's mouth.

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out." Haymitch replies casually as they see a close-up of the razors on full display.

Peeta lets out a dry laugh and jests, "She's committed. I'll give her that."

"Wiress and Beetee." Haymitch continues, moving on to District Three. "Not fighters, but brilliant. And... weird. Real tech-savvy." These two Victors are more reserved and timid compared to the boldness of the previous Districts. "He won his Games by electrocuting six Tributes at once."

Next was the Reaping footage from District Six. "The Morphlings. Masters of camouflage. Basically won their Games by hiding until everyone else was dead." These two Victors have dark circles around their eyes and seem permanently startled by their surroundings. Their skin is thin and pale, clinging tightly to their bones and giving them the appearance of tormented ghosts. "Self-medicating ever since. Which I applaud. Not a threat."

The air seems to shift as District Four's Reaping pops up on the screen and the Golden Boy himself lights up the room. Living up to the nickname with his sunkissed hair and bronzed skin, he grins smugly and waves to the crowd as he saunters across the stage. Katniss recognises him immediately and speaks up, "Finnick Odair, right?"

"Yes. He won his Games at 14. Youngest ever. Extremely humble." Haymitch jokes as the boy seems to bask in the cheers of the crowd.

"You're kidding." Katniss deadpans, raising an eyebrow at her Mentor.

"Yes, I'm kidding." Haymitch exclaims, pushing the blond strands of hair out of his face to mock the Victor's apparent vanity. "He's a peacock. A total preener. But he's the Capitol darling. They love him here. Charming, smart and very skilled at combat. Especially in water."

Peeta leans forward in his seat, analysing the Victor as he questions, "What about weakness?"

"Two. The first is Mags." Haymitch reveals, pointing to the screen as an elderly lady throws her hand up for a horrified young redhead. "She volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raised him. If he's trying to protect her in any way, it exposes him."

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