𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆

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The celebrations had long since come to an end, many District Thirteen citizens retiring to their beds in preparation for an early start the next morning

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The celebrations had long since come to an end, many District Thirteen citizens retiring to their beds in preparation for an early start the next morning. But Finnick and Dahlia were still high off the buzz from their euphoria and happiness. They stumbled messily through the corridors with their fingers intertwined as loud bouts of laughter escaped their throats. They were surely pissing off a number of officials attempting to earn some rest, but they didn't care. They were young and in love, this was their night.

Finnick gently pushed Dahlia against the door to their living quarters, lips immediately attaching to hers as his hands found their home on her waist. Through a series of hurried kisses, Finnick managed to mumble out, "God, you look so beautiful."

Dahlia barely had the chance to react to the compliment before Finnick was diving back in, this time to attack her neck. A breathless giggle left her lips at the new sensation, feeling a bubble of pleasure rise to the surface as his lips brushed over her sensitive skin. Her hands blindly fumbled around for the door handle, realising that if they didn't get inside now then Finnick might just take her on the wall outside. Not that she was complaining too much about that, but she'd prefer not to give the people of District Thirteen an after-celebration show.

Her hand landed on the handle just as Finnick's fingers had begun to trail up to the fastenings of her dress. Pulling away with a teasing look, Dahlia winked at her man and quickly forced the door open to disappear inside. Finnick wasted no time following her in, finding her standing in front of the vanity removing the delicate pins from her hair with a feigned expression of innocence.

The door was swiftly shut behind him as Finnick stalked closer to Dahlia with slow calculated steps. "And what do you think you're doing all the way over there, my darling wife?" He asked in a sultry voice, his tone low and deep as he struggled to control his urges.

Glancing over her shoulder with dark alluring eyes, Dahlia cryptically replied, "I'm getting ready for bed, dear husband." Fighting to keep the smirk off her features, she then strolled leisurely over to Finnick whose eyes followed her every move. She let her hand meet the material of his wedding suit, caressing over it with a feathery touch as she continued walking past. "I think I'm going to wear one of your shirts tonight. It will be--"

Suddenly, Finnick's hand shot out and grasped her wrist to halt her in place. Dahlia's head snapped up to face him expectantly as he pulled her into his chest, noticing the uncommonly dark gleam in his hooded eyes. Voice husky with lust, he leaned down until their lips were mere millimetres away and calmly remarked, "The only thing you're going to be wearing tonight is the wedding ring on your finger."

Then he sealed his promise with a firm kiss, successfully distracting her enough to allow his hands to glide up her back and reach the zip of her dress. He slid the zipper down at an agonisingly slow pace, taking his time to let his fingers explore the smooth skin finally on offer to him. Dahlia decided to return the favour and tug impatiently at the material covering Finnick's chest. Her nimble fingers made much quicker work of the buttons blocking her way, practically ripping the shirt off Finnick's shoulders.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now