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Katniss and Finnick were experiencing the worst form of torture the Capitol could've possibly subjected them to

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Katniss and Finnick were experiencing the worst form of torture the Capitol could've possibly subjected them to... Waiting.

There had been no news from the rescue team, no word of communication or indication of their survival. Everyone seemed to be expecting the worst, especially the two Victors left pondering if their loved ones were even still alive. The future of the Revolution was hinged on this moment. Would it be success for the rebels or another victory for the Capitol?

Finnick could've driven himself to madness just sitting there waiting, wondering. He'd nearly rubbed his fingers raw from mindlessly tying and untying the blue rope in such an aggressive manner. When he eventually snapped back to reality, he found that he had unknowingly weaved it into a hangman's noose. The only knot Dahlia was ever able to learn. Even his unconscious mind could only focus on her safety. Saddened by the realisation, he tossed the rope to one side and threw his head back in despair.

He hated this. He hated not knowing. His hands shook anxiously without something to keep them occupied, which led him to clench them into tight fists. He just wanted, needed, her there with him. Needed her to hold his hand, needed her to distract from the torment of his own mind, needed her to rescue him from his sorrow.

Just as he was beginning to spiral into his dark thoughts, a hand reached over and settled comfortingly on top of his. Katniss. Neither said anything to the other, they didn't have to. They both knew what each other wanted to hear, but didn't try to fool themselves with false words of hope. They were kindred spirits suffering the same pain of uncertainty. Fake optimism would be a temporary balm for a much deeper wound. Instead, they sat in silence and waited. Together.

Finally their endurance paid off as the door was thrust open with little regard and Haymitch's head popped through the gap. "They're back." He announced to the restless pair, who immediately sprung to their feet and rushed after the man.

Bursting through the doors to the medical ward, Katniss and Finnick sprinted forward with frantic eyes.  Their heads whipped back and forth in desperation, searching for any sign of their loved ones in the chaos of the room. Katniss jogged towards the sound of clattering medical equipment while Finnick lingered behind her apprehensively. The source of the commotion was soon clear as the pale form of a familiar woman was revealed to the pair.

"Johanna." Katniss gasped out in shock, eyes widening at the state the fierce girl was in. Her vibrant hair was gone, shaved right down to the scalp where her skin was thin and pallid. Her once strong body had withered away, replaced by willowy arms and a slender build. She was an unrecognisable sight. But at least her spirit was still there.

"Finnick!" Annie cried out in relief, making both Katniss and Finnick turn in the direction of her screams. "Finnick!" She hastily ripped off the medical equipment monitoring her health and leaped from the stretcher.

"Annie?" Finnick questioned as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing with his own eyes. But as the redhead hurtled towards him, the realisation finally sunk in. The girl he'd come to view as a sister was safe, she was here. That must mean that Dahlia was there too. "Annie!"

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