𝑹𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒆

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"Lia, Katniss, go, go, go

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"Lia, Katniss, go, go, go." Finnick urges the pair as he brings up the rear of their group with Mags on his back, Peeta leading the front while the two girls settle into the middle. The booms of the cannon seem to follow them as they sprint through a jungle-like arena.

Dahlia can no longer tell if it's water dripping down her skin or sweat from the humidity and physical exertion. The wilderness of exotic trees seems to go on forever, an endless swatch of green blurring into a never-ending nightmare. They duck under leaves and hop over exposed roots, never slowing in fear of being pursued. All their weapons are gripped tightly in their hands, poised and ready for attack. Every once in a while, Dahlia glances back to check on Finnick and Mags, always relieved to find them still there.

"Okay, hold up. Hold up." Finnick calls out, making Peeta and Katniss slow to a stop in a small clearing. Dahlia helps Finnick gently place Mags on her feet, ensuring she's steady before crouching to catch their breath. Flies buzz around their heads as the sound of the group panting fills the space.

"God, it's hot." Peeta gasps out, mouth hanging open like an overheating dog. "We gotta find fresh water."

Katniss scrapes her damp hair away from her forehead, eying Finnick and Dahlia with a distrusting gaze. They pay little attention to her, too busy scanning each other for any injuries. So far, everything was going to plan. The Alliance had decided that Dahlia and Finnick should be Katniss' main protectors, being two of the youngest and most skilled fighters of the group. They had succeeded in their mission of getting Katniss out of the bloodbath unscathed. But gaining her trust would be easier said than done.

The group freezes as the sound of cannon fire overpowers the arena. Dahlia counts three booms and then silence settles around them. Finnick smirks smugly to himself before turning to Katniss and commenting, "Well, I guess we're not holding hands any more."

He chuckles softly, prompting Dahlia to join in, which doesn't go down well with Katniss. "You think that's funny?" She spits out in disgust, glaring between the pair who she was still unsure of.

"Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears." Finnick retorts lowly, pointing up to the sky. "I don't care about any of them." The one person he does care about is right next to him as he speaks. He may be there to protect Katniss, but Dahlia is his main priority.

"Good to hear." Katniss replies in a montone voice, reaching behind her to unsheath a long knife she'd collected for Peeta.

Dahlia scoffs under her breath at Katniss' cold demeanour, unsheathing her own blade from its holster. "Want to face the Career Pack alone?" She questions tauntingly, quirking a brow at the the stubborn girl.

"What would Haymitch say?" Finnick adds on, growing equally irritated by the young girl. Here they were, willing to risk their lives for her, and she couldn't even treat them with a hint of gratitude.

"Haymitch isn't here." Katniss argues, unwilling to drop her doubtful glare.

Peeta, growing weary of the tensions among the group, interrupts before a fight breaks out, "Let's keep moving."

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