𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒅

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In the days that Dahlia and Finnick spent tucked away from the world outside, it seemed chaos had become the norm for those dedicated to the Mockingjay cause

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In the days that Dahlia and Finnick spent tucked away from the world outside, it seemed chaos had become the norm for those dedicated to the Mockingjay cause. With Peeta's rehabilitation going slower than doctors hoped and the recent success in District Two, it was hard to tell whether the new developments were generally positive or negative. However, when the pair finally emerged from their blissful cocoon, it was to the news that Katniss had been shot and was lying in the infirmary recovering. Dahlia decided they should go and visit her while the girl couldn't run away, but found that someone had already beaten them to it.


Dahlia felt terrible for not thinking of her friend in the time since she had arrived in District Thirteen. Johanna had been a captive of the Capitol too, though she was subjected to regular torture and pain where Dahlia had gotten off lightly. She was Snow's weapon after all, not his target. That's where she and Johanna's treatment differed. Dahlia's suffering was primarily mental and emotional, while Johanna's agony was physical. Snow had a certain flair for creativity when it came to tormenting people in different ways. Hijacking, brainwashing, electroshocks... They were brutal, but effective, ways to get his desired results.

When Dahlia and Finnick arrived hand in hand at Katniss' ward, they overheard her telling Johanna, "You should have been the Mockingjay. Nobody else would tell you what to say."

And Johanna was quick to snap back, "But nobody likes me."

"They're afraid of you." Katniss pointed out, her voice still hoarse and croaky from lack of use.

"Maybe here, but..." Johanna grumbled, plucking objects from Katniss' bedside table and scrutinising them with narrowed eyes. "In the Capitol, you're the only thing that they're scared of. They used to fear the Black Dahlia too but, as far as they're aware, she's on their side now."

Dahlia froze. Of course the Capitol thought she was working with them. Nobody had seen her in public since she was rescued by the rebels. No one knew that she had been forced to side with Snow. No one knew that she would now be fighting for the Rebellion. She was a figure of this war, even if she had not wanted it. The people needed to see which side she was on. She needed to be seen. They needed to know that wasn't who she is.

A hand squeezing hers three times brought her back to the present. "It's alright, Lia." Finnick whispered reassuringly in her ear, knowing she hated the title the Capitol had pushed onto her. Just the mere mention of what she had become was enough of a horrifying reminder for her to spiral into guilt. But Finnick was always there to pull her back out. "What is your name?"

"Dahlia Blossom." She replied shakily as Finnick cupped her cheek to ground her to reality.

"And where are you right now?" He asked firmly, running his fingers soothingly through her hair as he compels her fearful gaze to meet his.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she answered, "I'm in District Thirteen with the rebels." Then her eyes stared deeply into Finnick's as she added on, "With you."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now