Entry 2- The Party

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We get to Jerry Cantrell's party and Tori notices a motorbike parked outside. She tells me and Chrissie it's a 'Honda Four' and although it looks cool as fuck, I have no idea about bikes.

"Whose is it? I need to fuck them. Like right now." She says with wide eyes and a wildness, that makes Tori who she is. Tori is self assured and knows what she wants. Yeah she's a groupie, but she doesn't sleep with just anyone, if she likes a guy she will own that. 

I am very different. We all are, and are all beautiful and interesting in our own ways.

I have a really high sex drive, and it isn't unusual for me to sleep with 2 guys a day at least. I enjoy the company of men, and they enjoy mine. In fact, Jerry Cantrell and I seem to be magnetised to each other. Whenever we see one another, we find the nearest restroom or closet to screw in. It's like a mutual understanding, we don't have to really say anything, we just get each other. 

I've also been seeing the drummer from Pearl Jam, Dave Abbruzzese, on occasion. He is extremely sweet and will cuddle after we get done. Sometimes I enjoy that, sometimes I don't, but with him I always indulge in an embrace.

I slept with Layne Staley first out of the Alice in Chains guys, and whenever they are back home in Seattle, they and many other bands expect to see us. 'The Charlie's Angels of Grunge' is how we are known, although we don't report to some well-to-do guy....just ourselves.

Layne was a sweet lover. He was caring, and treated me like a Queen, he still does. In 1991 we first hooked up, that's when I met Jerry. Jerry had a thing for me and had known about mine and Layne's sexual trysts for a while, and to say it pissed him off was an understatement. He wanted me, and I wanted him and in his mind, if he couldn't have me, no one else could. He was a damn good lay, and possibly the best I've ever had so far....and his dick? FUCK. It's huge, and he knows how to use it. Last time I was with someone like that, it was Tommy Lee from Motley Crue....and Jerry is larger than him. Yep....seems impossible, but true.

"It might be Sean's bike." I say to Tori as we get off of hers.

"Who is Sean?" she asks, eager to find out.

"Sean Kinney.....Alice in Chains drummer?" Chrissie states. Knowing Sean from hooking up a couple of months ago.

Chrissie is like the mother in our group, and the most intelligent. She tends to be the neat freak, always cleaning the apartment, and telling me and Tori off if we disturb her zen. She has a thing currently with Soundgarden frontman, Chris Cornell, who she's known since they were kids. She sets her sights on a guy and he is the only one she has eyes for, in phases. A few months ago it was Sean Kinney, now it's Chris, but I honestly think her and Chris are well suited and might go the distance.

"Yeah, Chrissie got with Sean a while back." I reply in response to Chrissie's remark.

"If you guys ain't a thing, can you introduce me?" Tori asks in her exotic accent.

"Girl, I was done with Sean a while back, we didn't mesh. Sure he was great in bed, but he was a sarcastic fuck....totally up your alley!" Chrissie smirks.

"HE'S PERFECT" Tori responds.

We all walk into the house, seeing people we have known from before, bands, other groupies, roadies and managers all in one place. I look around and see Kim Thayil, who wants to bed all three of us, but his pick up lines are atrociously bad. However I may have slept with him just to see what he was like in the sack....he was fine.

'Did you fall from Heaven? Because you have a massive welt on your arm', is not the pick up a girl wants to hear. 

"Ladies..." he nods holding up his beer.

"Thayil....." I respond as Tori frantically looks for Sean.

"Hey Kim. Is Chris around?" Chrissie asks.

"Yeah he's talking to Cameron and Gossard in the Kitchen." Kim replies.

"Thanks! Good to see ya!" Chrissie says, before rushing to the kitchen to be with Cornell.

"What's up with Tori? She looks bug eyed and robotic?" Kim asks me as I realise it's just me and him now.

"Oh yeah, she saw the bike outside...she's trying to find Sean Kinney. You know how crazy into her bikes she is, and Sean for that matter." I respond.

Kim nods.

"So....you with anyone tonight?" he asks, trying to be suggestive. "Are you a vacuum? Because you can suck my...."

"OOOKAY.....I'm looking for Jerry." I interrupt his awfully bad pick up.

"Oh....Big Cock Cantrell....yeah I heard you two have been screwing." Kim says, taking a sip of his beer, and a draw from his joint.

"Who told you?" I ask.

"Jerry....he said your vagina is addictive....I have to agree with him." Thayil stated.

I roll my eyes and shake my head slightly. "Kim, you and I hooked up once. How can you agree?"

"That's a good point.....Great pussy though."

"Uhhh, whatever....you seen Cantrell?" I ask.

"Yeah he was chatting up some chick in the yard." Kim said, clearly already drunk and high. "That offer still stands....if you wanna...."

With that, I walk to the yard and see Cantrell nibbling on some brunettes neck. She's slim and her hair is sleek. The complete opposite to big tittied me and my wavy blonde locks.

I get a little pissed, for some unknown reason. I sleep around, yet seeing Cantrell with another woman pisses the heck outta me.

I walk closer to him and this woman and fold my arms, which push up my breasts, something that draws him in, always.

"AHEM" I say loudly.

He looks at me and seizes kissing the brunette's neck. His eyes run from my feet, up my legs, to my mini skirt and then my bosoms. Oh and then eventually my face.

"Bessie....babe...this is....ummm....sorry what's your name?" he asks the woman.

She looks disgusted by his question and slaps him round the face, before storming off.

"ASSHOLE" she yells, flipping him the bird as she leaves.

I can't help but giggle.

"You had it coming Cantrell." I laugh.

The hand that hasn't got a can of beer in it, meets his face where the brunette just whacked him one.

"Fucking bitch." he says, referring to the woman.

I take his hand away from his face and see how red it has become.

"Jesus, she really did a number..." I state looking over it.

"Fuck that whore....You look hot by the way...." he says in his typical Jerry style.

I smile and look into his eyes.

"I always look hot....you don't look bad yourself." I smirk.

I notice he's sniffling more than normal. "Have you been snorting the dust again?"

"Maybe....want some?" he replies, rubbing his nose.

"No...I really don't. You got a first aid kit somewhere so I can help you with your cheek?" I ask, actually a little concerned about that slap.

"Yeah....there's a bedroom..." he grins..."Think you can nurse me back to health?"

I grab his hand and we make our way to his bedroom, Chrissie noticing us rushing hand in hand and rolling her eyes while her and Chris talk to Matt and Stone. We lock the door once we get inside the room and kiss passionately.


This is a collaborative effort between me, @clownerella and @sharkcastic. The first diary entry is from Clownerella's OC and can be found on her page :) Watch out for more updates and for Sharkcastic's entry into The Grunge Diaries.

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