Entry 21- Sex Type Thing

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WARNING! 18+ Reader Only - Sexual content


We arrived at the venue in Oakland, and Tori made quite the entrance when she went full speed through the barricade. Luckily she is fine and so is Cock Soup, her trusty cockatiel, who looked terrified when she busted through the entrance!

Me, Chrissie and Chris wander around to find someone we know to let us backstage. I have given the girls VIP passes that Jerry gave me beforehand, Chris instantly gets let backstage as he is the frontman of Soundgarden, and Tori almost has a fight with the security guard before she sees her loverboy, Mike Inez, and then she is allowed backstage. I say loverboy loosely. He's good to her, I know for a fact he would look after Tori as he is smitten with her, every time he sees her, he looks lovingly at her. Tori is a fan of Mike, and enjoys his company, but tonight, I know she is looking for someone in particular. Chrissie's ex lay, Sean Kinney. She spent the whole party at Jerry's, trying to look for him because she saw a Honda Four out the front. Girl is obsessed in the nicest way.

We find someone who is a wonderful sight.

His blonde curls are noticeable straight away, and his slender frame, seated in a wheelchair, and I can't help but wonder why. He's speaking to Mike Starr, who seemed peeved that Tori didn't pay him any attention. He's staring at her ass as she walks to Mike Inez. Starr is probably bitching about my pal, I really hope he isn't. Layne smokes a lucky strike as he speaks to Starr, he always has a slight smile on his face, that's just who he is, and it brightens the room.

"Hey fuckers!" Chris shouts happily, walking towards the two men, holding Chrissie's hand and dragging her along, while I follow.

Layne looks over and his eyes dart from Chris to me.

His smile grows larger as he sees me and I bite my bottom lip at seeing him. 

The guys greet each other and as soon as I move closer to them, Layne scans me up and down. We've done this dance before, a while back. In fact it was in the same room where Chrissie and Sean hooked up. The Alice in Chains guys, don't care where they do the deed with their chosen lady, even if it's in the same place as each other, but only if the woman is okay with it. Layne is absolutely a gentleman and was gentle with me as he penetrated me, deeply, while I called his name as I came over his length, with Layne following shortly after. Chrissie also called out Sean's name as they climaxed, while me and Layne rode out our high.

"Hey Bessie." Layne says smoothly as Mike checks me out.

"Michael, eyes off the prize..." Chrissie says, snapping horny Mike out of his daze.

"Fine.....I seen a pretty brunette near the bar...catch you guys later." Starr says as he leaves to pursue the poor woman.

"Hi Layne." I say sweetly with a smile. "What happened?" I ask, gesturing to the wheelchair.

He laughs and takes a draw of his lucky strike, before blowing the smoke to the side.

"ATV accident....it's all okay, just hurts like hell." Layne replies, still with a smile. "You here for Can't tell Cantrell?" 

"Of course she is....he got us the VIP passes." Chrissie comments.

"Hey!" I laugh. "I don't even know where he is, but I'm happy to see you."

Layne nods, once again puffing on his cigarette.

"Good to see you too....we need some eye candy....had a few new groupies come in last night....nothing like you guys. Just yes people, crazed fans just wanting to say they fucked us." Layne explains.

"And did you?" I asked him.

"That would be telling." he winks at me.

At this point Chris and Chrissie are totally digging each other. They can't keep their hands off of each other and me and Layne look at them, smiling with raised eyebrows.

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