Entry 102 - Looking in View

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My night has been crazy, and the same for Tori.

She made up with Sean, and I'm glad they did. They seem perfect for each other and to see Tori as upset as she was, was hard. 

We spoke for a while and caught up on our own gossip. I told her that Dave proposed to me and that Maryann found me and Jerry having sex, which lead Maryann to leave outright. I still feel bad about it. Real bad, but I realise I messed things up, as for Jerry, he still doesn't think he's done anything wrong.

Me and Tori are getting ready now to go poolside with the Alice in Chains guys, and I will no doubt see Jerry, and he will no doubt try to fuck me in front of the guys and Tori....but no....I am unimpressed with how he handled the Maryann situation, so he'll get the cold shoulder for a little while. Maybe I can annoy him by flirting with Layne, which I know he can't stand. I sound awful, I do, but he is playing a dangerous game, messing with people's feelings and not giving a damn who he hurts in the process. I honestly wish I'd have asked Maryann for her number so I can check on her, even if she doesn't want to speak to me, that's fine, but I want to know she got home safely, after the shock of seeing me and Jer together.

Me and Tori spend more time chatting in her room, while putting on our barely there bikinis. Tori looks gorgeous in a white get up, and I am putting on a very skimpy pink number, that I feel three out of four AIC guys will absolutely appreciate.

Sean knocks at the door and him and Tori are smooching up a storm after she answers. I feel like a lemon while they show affection to each other, and Sean is rightfully staring at Tori in her bikini, like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and she is so stunning. She doesn't realise how gorgeous she is, and Jerry decides to bring her down all the time with horrific 'jokes' that affect her. She has an eating disorder and he will play on that. He's a jerk, and no matter how many times I tell him, he won't back down.

During our talk, Tori brings up the fact that her and Sean grilled Stone about his feelings for me at Jerry's party. I'm kinda shocked, because I feel bad that he had to sit there and endure not only me walking into a room with Jerry, about to fuck senseless, but also Tori and Sean asking him about his feelings for me. I know Stone can hold his own though, he has a wicked sense of humour that is both dry and sarcastic, his eye rolling and 'I'm so done with this' look are unmatched.

"Oh and he had such a big boner for you Bessie!" Tori giggles. "I think he went to the restroom to relieve himself." She winks.

"He did? He never mentioned that on the phone." I smile. 

"I tried to get him in the room with you and Jerry, but he was adamant that if he was gonna be with you, it would just be the two of you. That and he said he respects you too much to burst in unannounced! He is so cute Bess, so respectful. So smart." Tori admitted.

I smile and think of him again. I wish we could meet sooner, but as soon as the tour is over, I will see him and get to know him more. I keep thinking how perfect his smile is, how it's the most handsome I've ever seen. Damn, he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen, and I've been with some really good looking guys.

"I wonder what he'd think of me in this get up." I wink to Tori.

"He would cream his pants." She laughs.

We decide to walk down to the pool area, where I see Starr, nibbling on his new girl's neck, she's tilting her head back and laughing and then she notices us, staring at Tori with a smirk.

"Ugh." Tori says as we throw our towels on the loungers next to the pool.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"That girl has a thing for me....and she's gorgeous, but I'm not interested. I got Sean." Tori admits, quietly as to not make anyone aware. "She's tried it on with me".

My eyes widen and I smirk. "She is REALLY digging you."

"I don't want heeerrr!" Tori whines, with a joke pout.

We both laugh and I notice Starr staring at my breasts, and he licks his lips, like his honey isn't completely doing it for him.

Sean is taken by Tori, who obviously only has eyes for him, and Jerry turns around in the pool to notice me. He looks like he's a love sick puppy, but to distract, he makes a comment about Tori, yet again. As he does, I flip him the bird. Fucking ass.

Layne has just snorted some of the devil's flour and looks over, liking what he sees. I knew it. All but Sean are digging the bikini, and despite the fact, two out of four have seen me naked, they are magnetised by my outfit of choice.

Layne has a beer in one hand and holds out his arms like he wants to hug me, which I will happily do once I get in the pool.

"Don't listen to Cuntrell. You know he does it to annoy you......come with me..." I say to Tori, who is feeling self conscious because of Jerry, and I hold out my hand which she takes.

We walk together, to the steps of the pool and walk down them, hand in hand, so Tori knows she isn't alone, and that she has a friend with her. She swims over to Sean, who grabs her by her waist and throws her over his shoulder like a fireman's carry.

"This one's mine." he states with a cheeky grin as Tori giggles at his actions.

"I'll have the busty blonde." Jerry says, barely able to take his eyes away from me.

I turn around and look behind, in gest.

"Who?" I ask, pretending to play dumb.

"Fuck Bess, you know who." Jerry replies.

"Oh her....yeah, she isn't interested right now." I reply.

I swim over to Layne who is happy as anything to see me.

"Fuck you're pretty." he smiles, much to the frustration of Cantrell, who looks like he's gonna crush his beer can.

I swim into Layne's arms and throw mine around the back of his neck, as we look at each other lustfully. I feel his erect member against me, and giggle.

"Seriously?" Jerry says with annoyance. 

I don't reply, and let Layne kiss my neck, and fuck, he found my sweet spot. I whimper and say his name delicately, and he growls at hearing it.

"Fucking bitch." I hear from Cantrell, who has thrown his beer can at the wall facing the pool, out of frustration. He's such a sore loser, it's actually hilarious.

"Someone is pissed." Starr teases, with a smirk.

"Fuck you buddy. I'm done with this fucking set up. You're welcome to her Layne....but she's like a whore, she won't stay with you." Jerry says, out of spite.

I roll my eyes as I'm far too accustomed to this jealousy Jerry is prone to.

"This is just a bit of fun, dude. Me and Bess are just having a good time, it ain't serious." Layne states, and like a true King, he says it as it is. "Besides, you are the biggest man-whore I know.." Layne smirks at Jerry.

Jerry storms out of the pool, with a fucking big boner that was inside me just hours ago. He throws a few more things, before he heads off to who knows where.

"Such a dick" I say under my breath, which Layne laughs at.

"Yep, the biggest." he concurs.

Our lips meet and soon we are heavy petting and making out, while Sean and Tori are doing their thing, and Starr and his lady are doing theirs.

"Wanna fuck?" Layne says as smooth as anything.

"Can we stay here a little longer? Then we can fulfill your needs." I wink.

"Sure babe, whatever you want." he responds.

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