Entry 69 - Go

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We travel from Green River to Denver, the bus journey somewhat quiet as me and Jerry ignore each other, and me and Layne come down from our lustful encounter. Tori and Sean are once again riding on the motorbike beside the tour bus, with Chrissie and Chris not far behind in the car.

We have a new addition to the bus however, Maryann. She seems to be Jerry's new conquest, and although this woman is smitten with him, Jerry still can't help but stare at me occasionally from the side.

At this point I'm kinda thinking about how nice it would be to see Stone again, especially as we made it known to each other that we are both interested in one another. I keep thinking about how it would feel in his arms, embraced in his warmth, his nimble and skilled fingers skimming my arms as we enjoy our company. I am thinking about him more than I anticipated, there must be something there between us, and everytime I'm sleeping with a guy, I imagine it's him I'm with, and it gets me off so hard.

Maryann is looking over at me, seeming a little worried and anxious since I caught her and Jerry fucking in the restroom stall. She smiles timidly and I return the smile.

She walks over and sits beside me as if she wants to speak to me, but awkwardly.

"Hey! Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm fine....why do you ask?" I wonder as she seems slightly embarrassed. 

She nods and flashes a false smile. "Yeah....I just....I'm sorry you saw us like that in the restrooms...."

I chuckle slightly "Why are you sorry?! Not the first time I've walked in on people....especially Jerry..."

"Oh....well I know you guys kinda had a thing.....and I don't want there to be any hard feelings." she responds.

"Me and Jerry never had a thing, well it's just sex....." I say bluntly. I know he loves me, so him hearing me say that has probably got him pissed off again.

I hear him mutter something under his breath as he lights a cigarette and walks further down the bus.

"I better follow him.....It was nice talking to you." Maryann says sweetly, before she heads to Jerry.

I feel sorry for her, getting swept up in Jerry's games. He obviously digs her, but then he digs most women. Maryann is sweet, and although she can make her own decisions, I hope he doesn't mess her around. My guess is that he will.

We finally make it to Denver, meeting Tori, Chrissie, Sean and Chris outside the Marriott. Once we take our luggage up to our respective rooms, Tori grabs my hand and says "Beautiful Bess, we have to go to the clinic."

"I know, I just need the morning after pill." I state with a smile.

"Oooo and make sure you get a full STD check....I know it may be too late for you, but they might have something they can give you that prolongs your life a little more." she says, entirely serious, in her cutesy Tori way.

"Okay, I'll get one if you do." I smile.

"You think Sean has crabs too? He wouldn't....he can barely find the peepee." Tori says, Cock Soup perching on her shoulder.

"BARELY FIND THE PEEPEE. SQUAWK!" Cock Soup says affectionately.

"Yes you are a good baby!" Tori says with a pouty face to her bird.

Next thing I know, I'm on the back of Tori's bike as she drives us to the nearest family planning clinic, she rushing like it's the end of the world. Cock Soup is half hanging off of Tori's shoulder with his adorably cute bike helmet and goggles.

Once we finally get there, we walk in and as soon as I am able to do anything, Tori rushes to the front desk, with Cock Soup still on her shoulder and says very loudly, "HELP MY FRIEND IS DYING OF CRABS, WE NEED TO SEE SOMEONE SOON. Please." 

I facepalm and embarrassment fills me, as the receptionist looks baffled by her words.

I walk over and explain that all I'm there for is the morning after pill and an STD check, with Tori developing tears in her eyes..

"Take a seat please." The receptionist says, trying to stop a laugh from breaching her mouth.

We proceed to take a seat in the waiting room and I shake my head with a slight smile. "You really had to go in guns blazing didn't you."

"I'm worried for you Bessie, I don't want you to die!" Tori says. 

I still can't believe she still thinks, for real, that I am dying.....from crabs....like is that even possible? I just sit calmly and wait to be called, while Cock Soup shouts out expletives, while Tori praises him for his good behaviour? I am very confused.

"JERRY IS A CUNT! SQUAWK!" The bird shouts, and I apologise quietly to the other people sitting around us.

"Oh christ" I say to myself. I'm tired, my headache is still there and I'm feeling quite fragile.

I finally get called and Tori begins to follow me as I walk to the doctors office.

"DOCTOR SHE IS DYING!!!! HELP HER" Tori says in a random outburst.

"Tori.....calm down." I say. She is far more distressed than I could ever be about my health.

I explain to the doctor I need the morning after pill, and that me and Tori both want a test for STD's, for her peace of mind.

The doctor prescribed me a morning after pill and then gives me and Tori two sample pots so we can get tested.

We leave the room and I thank the doctor for his help, before we go to the bathroom.

Me and Tori both disappear and pee into the sample cups before giving them back to the doctor, who says our test will come back in less than a week.

After we have done that,  Tori drives us to the nearest pharmacy and I take the pill that is prescribed .

"The doctor seemed nice." Tori says as we dress up in our safety wear to disembark on the bike. I climbed upon the seat and sat as Tori revved her engine, speedily pulling away, so we can get back to The Marriott.

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